
But children don't exist in a bubble. Circumstances matter.

NOPE. Get off my lawn.

I love Jack White, but I'm concerned that he's turning into Edward Scissorhands.

Hold on. Does that mean the Grammys might have made this decision based on attracting eyeballs instead of a commitment to the finest examples of musicality possible?

Born and raised in AL. Lived here all but 3 years of my life. People are losing their shit here and I just shake my head. It's sad really. I've heard all of the complaints about this, mostly bible based, which I get. The one that probably bothers me the most is the cry of activist judges goign against the will of the


lol i read 'alabama' as aladdin and i was like wait aladdin is great also how is that relevent

Aaand I'm back to being embarrassed by you, Alabama.

This guy is such a dinosaur; I'm surprised that he hasn't been fracked.

Don't get them started? They need to be reminded, Sherman style.

Yeah, I've always had the sneaking suspicion that she just says outrageous things to get attention and sell books.

Fair on the math. I was just reading his quotes and thinking. Wow, those words would fit in with Selma. Now, I'm from SC and we have plenty of ignorance here too. (I spend half my time feeling deeply ashamed of our politicians so I feel for the liberal Alabama crowd.)

Your math is wrong. They haven't learned anything in Alabama in _150_ years.

At some point the people in these states should sue to get their wasted tax dollars back, if that's possible.

"How 'bout fuck you? How's that?"

Dear Lord, they have clearly learned nothing in 50 years. I watched Selma last week and this guy would fit right in that movie.

Well if Coulter declared him her "Man of the Year," we know two things:

Looks like Alabama is going to get a visit from the National Guard again.

Does anyone else think that Ann Coulter is just messing with everyone? I don't take her seriously and I don't see why anyone else would. I am just waiting to hear that it's all been a big elaborate ruse. "SURPRISE! I'm a satirist!"

my guess it's that being outdoorsy and probably a bit of a fish, her hair became that way. In six months of six/day/week swimming, I have a blonde bob. Being a black/white biracial girl myself, my hair is amazing; unreal at times. Then there's the I swear I left no conditioner in there, why is it flat and greasy????