
Nursing, teaching and construction are not considered high- powered careers.

I'd love to meet this woman.

I have a friend who was a prosecutor in the sex crimes division. Trust me, there is no one mentally tougher than her. She didn't like talking about her cases because she worried it would upset us too much. People may think she's this youngish, petite-ish woman, but she Got. Shit. Done. A lot of really nasty scumbags

Why does Congress being 20% women prove that there is no systemic discrimination?

RBG, will you be my sassy grandma? And tell me stories about smashing the shit out of the glass ceiling?

Basically but replace criminal law with dry transactional work. I actually really love my job anyway, though.

Boy is that ever true. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a male partner who is respectful to his female associates and genuinely believes in our abilities. He was also genuinely happy for me when got pregnant even though it meant I would be on leave for 18 weeks.

Yeah, by men. The fields that are "dominated" by women are the jobs that are unappreciated and underpaid (i.e. teachers, nurses). There are no high-power career fields dominated by women.

Ugh, the misogyny is still so rampant in the legal profession. I've has several male attorneys look absolutely stunned when I challenge them or get one over on them. It's like dudes, we took the same fucking LSAT and I'm a lawyer too. Don't act so surprised when I actually know how to be one.

Nope. Because RBG's age and importance serves as a glaring reminder that presidential elections matter, every single time. The youngest progressive justice could get hit by a bus. The douchiest conservative asshole could choke on his foie gras, or decide to retire to spend more time counting Krugerrands with the

Let's not put that on her, then, and fight like hell to put someone in the White House, and people in Congress for that matter, who believe we matter.

There's more than enough evidence and studies that show better representation of women in society and in power, the more peace and less violence you have.

An all women Surpreme Court: highly biased. An all men Surpreme Court: fair representation of the whole population. That's how these things work, right?

To be honest, I feel like even if the whole government and supreme court was run by women this wouldn't happen.

first order of business: The banning of back hair.

sigh. Fangirl at maximum percentage.

Amen! 9 would be a good start! To begin with, I would love to see the reactions of men who were then told what they could and couldn't do with their own bodies. Ha!

My friend, who is attending UofMichigan law school, saw her speak this week, and said she exuded intelligence, and also wore high heeled boots. I love you RBG.

Amen, RBG. Many of the toughest, most effective lawyers I know are women (and consider that the number of women in the Big Leagues at any given firm is not huge). What I've noticed is that they sometimes stun everyone else into submission. One of the best lawyers I know is the nicest person, and thenjust when the