
They sell the Fifty Sheds of Grey books (and the two sequels) in these cutesy little shops here in Scotland. It's weird. So, so weird.

Really? She looks so much like him.

Could you please update the headline to reflect the fact that the alleged rapist is not a teacher, but a substitute paraprofessional? There is a big difference. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you. Thank you.

Parodies all around:

Also, "50 Shades of Bey" also has a nice ring to it.

I think having a Gay BDSM themed series called "50 Shades of Gay" is better. But I'm sure they already have porn of that.

Because cops can totally empathize with wanting to beat the shit out of someone for being non compliant.

so only a rich man on a mission can ...

If someone pees in public they must register as a sex offender. If someone beats up their partner, the police doesn't give a damn, until there's one or more dead bodies. Why not make them register somewhere, too?

I have lots of complicated feelings about Michael Bloomberg, but thank God he's on this gun crusade. The Congress effectively forbids the ATF, CDC, the FTC nor any university to compile data and conduct research about guns, so only a rich man on a mission can provide evidenced-based research about the public health

Does the self-loathing American thing actually work? I never feel no shame as an American abroad. I exercise good manners, but feel no need to abase myself. That's not excessive patriotism. Just self esteem.

Maybe you're joking but I travelled SE Asia at 21, with dreads, after I graduated university and also, white. I like to think I respected the people and the environment where I was there. I would never dream doing what these people did. (Though I do admit the dreads were a mistake...shhh no one knows that!)

So you'd effectively kill the tourism economy in all of Southeast Asia because of a few stupid people?

I don't generally write online reviews, especially for restaurants, but when I went to a new brewpub in town and saw that both restrooms had changing tables in them I got so excited that I went straight back to my table and wrote a five star Yelp review specifically mentioning it along with the good food, beer and

It's actually about as linguistically precise as you can get. "Lewd" means "characterized by, or inciting lust or lechery" — and to all but a fraction of the adult population there's nothing arousing about a 13-year-old girl walking through a store.

Same thing happened to me. Host of a party offered me some chips he made, and then said, "Ha, ha, they were made in bacon fat." What I think many meat-eaters don't understand is that, if you haven't eaten meat in a while (15 years in my case), your stomach stops producing the enzymes you need to break down meat. It

Is it not important to you to have judges that follow the law rather than make up something?

Here's a more detailed description of the judge's reasoning (and ruling) from local coverage — just on the off-chance you're not trolling. The "invasion of privacy" statute in Oregon appears to be quite extensive, for example.. but also quite specific as it applies to public spaces:

So I'm an ex-vegan. And when I was vegan, I found myself to be of the easygoing variety. And while I certainly didn't *claim* moral superiority, I did believe the choice I was making was morally superior. And I still think it was, even though I am no longer making that choice. I still believe these animals have done

can we all just give me the superiority trophy and have it be completely un food related