
The title is misleading (if not an outright intentional lie.) The study appears to state that the *risk* of FGM has increased — NOT the actual numbers of FGMs performed. While it is, of course, a terrible practice, let's try to keep from getting hysterical and seeing bogeymen everywhere. The thing about cultural


Me too, except I saw a yahoo headline saying she was leaving.

need more coffee. thank you.

Rosie is doing what to the view? There's a verb missing.

Angela Bassett is gorgeous but the dress looks like it would hurt the boobs. Also Kerry is gorgeous in her dress. Intro to that section of Dirt Bag felt weird ... does it have to be a contest?

re. Angela Bassett

They're not married technically and there have been rumors that he is an abusive asshole, which wouldn't surprise me. Typical abusive behavior is isolating your partner away from other family and friends and if you look at her instagram, you'll notice most of her pictures are of her and Nick. Whitney literally raised

holy crap that cake is terrifying! When did Jamie Dornan open the ark of the covenant?!

I think the Rosie story is missing the word "leave", and it's kind of an important word. :)

Well, I'm not sure how productive it is to assume Casper is only attracted to men or women. Esp given the persistence of their on-again, off-again relationship.

Rosie's doing what now?

Tracee Ellis Ross looks INCREDIBLE.

Angela Basset killed it. That dress is everything.

Yeah, because that relationship with Tom Cruise doesn't appear to have been any sort of fucked up, controlling, nightmarish situation for Katie Holmes, like, AT ALL, guys.

When I had gestational diabetes I could never eat much bread it had too many carbs, and baked beans made my blood sugar creep right up to my limit. So baked beans on bread seems like it would do crazy things to blood sugar. Though blood sugar can be personal I guess. My friend with diabetes can eat a ton of pizza

I have a pretty high what-will-I-eat threshold (escargot was my favorite food at 6) but I draw the line at anything alive. Also octopus anything - but that's just because I really like octopus. It's the only animal that's ever tried to eat ME, so out of respect I refrain.

I'm pretty sure that eating oysters and being a vegan are mutually inconsistent.

Even bbys have Michelle Obama arms now

Great photos, super cute kids, but who the fuck is the readership for a children's fashion magazine?! Is this just for people who wish for higher production values on Instagram photos?