
If it's true that she wants to trademark "Party like it's 1989", then Prince should have a word with her and by that I mean

The odd thing is, one time I went to an urgent care clinic, and then 2 days later a follow-up with my orthopedist, after a bike accident. I had 2 broken bones and was covered in bruises. I told them it was a bike accident and no one ever thought to question me further about it, even though the nature of my injuries

I'm actually doing better than a lot of the people who came out of there, we keep up on FB. The women seem to adjust way better than the men, and almost all of them had kids early (age 18-21). I do my share of drinking but I've got a clean record, I'm working on getting into law school, I can appear normal. But all I

I always wonder wtf goes through people's minds when they attempt to arrange stuff like that. Like...even if I wanted to off someone (which I don't) I would not ask a co-worker unless we both ran in illegal circles (drug trafficking, illegal gun trade or any other illegal profession). I cannot imagine someone, let

Yes, my parents were pretty tough, but most of their punishment and teaching me lessons was about yelling at me and also sometimes having rational discussions (like I think the stranger danger thing pretty much went like "there are bad people out there. Don't get into a car with anyone you don't know, even if they

In my elementary school they made us all watch this video of some kids being taught basic stranger safety and then immediately being easily lured into strangers' cars in a setup. That way their parents could be like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. It was probably just some episode of Dateline, but 6 year old me found it pretty

God I wish I could tell some of the stories, but most of them would be dead giveaways to my identity.

Yeah. I have a 19-month-old and faack, the part where they told the boy that he wouldn't ever see his mommy again just broke my heart and I want to adopt him. What scum they are.

The part that really made my mind boggle was the co-worker. Like, I understand that crazy ideas run in families, but then to bring that to a third party and they're all "...sure, sounds good." WHAT? When a co-worker asks me to help them punish their kids, I generally decline.

My mom was kind of sadistically creative with her punishments, but she never pulled shit like that. I'm sorry you went through it - don't blame you for being triggered! The people involved in this story committed child abuse - straight and simple. Plenty of child abuse is shrouded under the disguise of teaching a kid

I know, I really need to reexamine my parenting strategy. I mean, how is she going to learn if I don't put her through unholy terror?

The overwhelming vast number of child abductions are committed by family members. In fact, the chances of your kid being abducted and hurt by a stranger are so small that you could leave your kid unsupervised in your front yard for nearly 700 years before they would get picked up by a bad guy.

Oh yeah. I was clerking at the appellate level, post conviction. I honestly cannot even remember what aspect he was appealling either, but I know it got upheld. I it was an entrapment defense (after the co-worker called the police, the police told him to go forward with pretending to help him hire one). It didn't go

So you're saying, you're not making her violently ill to teach her about throwing up?

You're right, what about ANY of this family's plan sounded like a good idea?! Also, please tell me that racist awful POS was convicted for trying to hire a hitman.

Jesus Christ that case!!

My beautiful toddler threw up for the first time last week (stay with me, here). It was late at night and we heard her coughing... went to check on her, saw the mess, cleaned her up, change of clothes, all that.

The stages this went through, too. First the parent came up with it, presumably while tanked with her sister. Then maybe the presented to grandma, who was like SOLID IDEA LADIES. AND THEN they went to a co-worker who ALSO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA.

Yeah I remember my mom being like, "Never ever get in a car with a someone I don't know. They could take you away and hurt you." And I was like, "OK."

These fucking people. The overwhelming majority of kids who go missing are abducted by family members, particularly non-custodial parents. But great job steering into the skid on those stats and teaching your kid that they can't trust anyone, especially the people they are supposed to be able to trust the most.