
If SVU is entering it's 17th season, why is every single episode on USA one that I've seen 20 times?

The smartness thing probably worked against her in that business... Sad reality of entertainment, I suspect.

I saw that picture and said, "yep, still in love with Geena Davis."

I always had a thing for Geena Davis. Super smart, pro-level archer, gorgeous, great actress. She shoulda been bigger.

Of course.

I'm not saying the ACA is perfect; but why is it that when people want to hate on it, they vilify Obama instead of the insurance companies, their lobbyists and the corrupt politicians in their pockets that fought tooth and nail to gut as much of the law as they could? I don't understand this!?!

For fuck's sake. Pre-ACA, a friend of mine got pregnant just as her husband's company was bought by another. They were told that they'd get to keep their prior health insurance - but oops, they weren't. So, pregnant and uninsured, my friend tried to get them insurance on the private market. She was told multiple times

Let's not forget, this also does away with the mandate that employers with over 50 employees have to provide coverage for their employees! Good luck getting insurance now, employees!

Oh yes!! And and when it's not a fetus anymore and is actually born you better not ask for any kind of services for that kid and you need to pay for those bootstraps yourself.

When will these dipshits realize that healthcare can never and will never be the "free market" that they love so much. It isn't patients "choosing" expensive treatments, it's patients NEEDING treatments that are expensive. Putting more financial burden on patients will only decrease the likelihood that they will get

Don't forget, they are pro-life! Except when providing even vitamins for the fetus....

Well, this will definitely result in a War on Women graphic from Fox News, right? Crap, that's right, they only talk about the War on Things that Aren't Actually Being Marginalized.

but there's no War on Women, noooo, don't be hysterical

That seems about right. First, you get pregnant. And chances are likely you will since you can't afford birth control. Second, they tell you that you have to keep the child, since abortion is illegal or they have closed down a lot of the abortion/Planned Parenthood clinics. Third, they don't provide you any medical

I am alternating between banging my head on my table and sitting here with my mouth open.

I really hope you are right about this because I just got my IUD taken out and went back on the pill, both of which were 100% covered thanks to Obamacare.

It's not even a plan, it's just an outline. Its existence is solely for rhetoric, there are no intentions to actually formalize it into a legitimate bill. It is merely the reply to oft-asked question, 'where is the GOP's alternative?' A reply that is, as it were, several years too late. Some senators may keep touting

Motherless fucks.

Here is what I don't get. All this is BAD FOR MEN. The only people it would not be bad for is gay men, and if I remember correctly they are not bbfs with republicans. If I am a dude, I don't want to have to pay extra for my wife's health insurance, or her birth control, or her medical care when she's pregnant. This is