
There was a lot of plausible deniability in the past. Oh, that Ron Paul Newsletter that I, Ron Paul, published and named after me, Ron Paul? Yeah, that really racist article in my Ron Paul Newsletter? Totes not from this Ron Paul. Nope. Defs not.

"How dare these Black criminals loiter on my street? They should buy suits and become staffers! Then they can loiter in my boss' office!"

Luckily they're too dumb to heed my advice (woe betide them all). Get those emails coming, folks!

See, I'm on the opposite end of things here.

Dear Diary,

The money will allow shelters who are overwhelmingly dependent on either public funds or the kindness of strangers the breathing room to operate another year without having to worry about whether they will be open the year after that. It will allow them the ability to increase staffing, or their hours of operation, to

I'll echo what everyone else here has said: the easiest thing the league could do is simply to give the money they are currently giving to No More and instead allot it to each team so they can give that money to shelters and organizations in their areas. This is more effective because most domestic violence

Great examples! Life expectancies for AIDS and cancer patients have improved dramatically over the last several decades, thanks to researchers who, believe it or not, aren't paid in "awareness".

$$$$ can sure help. It can provide safety, housing and legal aid to people who are being abused and want to get away but aren't sure how.

So basically No More is a glorified Human Fund. Great... not that I didn't already know that from the first commercial I saw, but jesus... it's one thing to have a pretty good idea of what a thing is, and another to have it chronicled like this.

"Our role," the group says, "is to raise awareness ... and attract more resources and support for our partner groups."

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

And what's the benefit of the NFL going with a cipher of a branding scheme, rather than with an actual nonprofit that does work or raises money? Seems pretty obvious: No More allows the NFL almost complete freedom to brand itself as deeply invested in women's issues.

I think people who participate in medical studies are generally pretty desperate for money and expect the studies to be a little sketchy. There's a huge area between "this is a little seedy but they'll pay me" and "this guy is going to rape all of us in our sleep."

alexander don't SASS me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

talk 2 jesus not 2 me

Captain America is a national treasure. I mean it says it right there in the name.

he is literally THE american treasure

maybe they are trolling you back? MAYBE THEY READ THE ARTICLE?!?