
I am aware that religions other than Christianity exist. In fact, I (an atheist) was raised in one. But my problem IS mainly with Christianity. Because Christians are the dominant group in the US, and so the laws that conservative Christians try to pass are what is governing my life, not laws that Jews or Hindus or

One xmas eve, sitting around the dining room table with my mom and uncles and sibling playing cards and at one point my uncle says, "just think we could be at church right now!"

Ill say it!

I'm not outright rude to religious people, but after spending 20 years of my 30 year life defending myself from screeds about what a terrible person I am, or how I cannot have morals for lack of god, I'm not entirely sympathetic to this argument. Religious people are the vast majority in this country, and much of our

Don't wait. I accidentally had the conversation with my MiL after I got engaged. She asked if we were getting married in a church, I said we weren't, and she was cool with that. Then she asked if we were going to get our children baptized. I told her we weren't, as baptism is a promise to the church to raise that

I'm not going to say I hope more people become secular, but I hope that they continue to recognize how they truly feel about their beliefs. Christians think they own the market on morality and that morals are concrete - they don't and they aren't. You can truly be good without god. And I don't mind if we remind them

Lose your religion, lose your leg!

I was raised in an atheist household (I'm 25 now), and I'm always surprised at how uncommon it is. I know lots of atheists, but all of them came to their atheism as teenagers or adults. I don't know anyone else with atheist parents.

So she's nine now?

They haven't been shut down. They have received an order and plan to appeal it. TBH I didn't even know these big parties were happening until I read about it on the listserv. It really truly isn't inconveniencing anyone- I go out all the time at night and never noticed any traffic around there. And people in the

They are appealing because it's a very gray area. But the opposition to it, is about sex. It's about the type of parties. People are using the parking lot/paved driveway as a wedge, but the councilmen are on record as objecting to "that sort of thing." They aren't bad neighbors at all.

That is true.

It could be just one person with a problem and some connections. I mean, I could be this guys neighbor, as long as I had a heads up and could manage my own family life without interruption.

I live in this north Arlington neighborhood and I don't think that's true it all. They have never bothered me. It's a big house set back from the street. I would call it a mansion; it has gates. My read on it is that the people who are bothered are bothered by the sex. Which nobody has seen or heard; one of our

I live in this neighborhood and I don't think that's true.

I find it interesting how seriously pissed you're getting over this... live and let live

Government should be small enough to only fit in your bedroom.

That was my VERY first thought.

..Only Eutopia probably has fewer issues with life-threatening levels of alcohol consumption, public property damage, driving under the influence...oh, and rape.

I wouldn't have been able to give up without having set at least one car on fire.

Why are you comparing oranges with apples?