

How are women supposed to do military things in platform heels? I'm all for fashionable outfits, but I feel like it would be hard to, I don't know, climb a rope ladder or run through tires (I'm pretty sure that's what you do in the military).

Hmmm, hard to confirm since this exists...

Yeah this commenter seems pretty intent on making the same awful inappropriate joke over and over again

This is a pretty hideous thing to say, even if your Inane Comment Generator recognized the words "women" and "Korean" and "army" and spat it out at random.

Rape and assault in the military are pretty bad problems for women, not just in Nk but in the US as well. I realize you were probably trying to be funny here, but having worked with former comfort women, I don't think it is appropriate to make light of an oppressive system of sex trafficking that involved the forced

My bunions wouldn't be eligible for service.

Not that hard, striped hyenas and packs of meerkats are more pro-women then the Saudi Arabian Government.

Now playing

"...all women who have graduated from middle and high school to undergo mandatory military service" Interesting. Because not many women in North Korea can continue their educations to that level. I know I'm linking a long, full-length, highly disturbing documentary here. But it's really worth the watch. The

It was on FX, but it was also on 5 days a week for a while. This is gonna be interesting to hear on the next episode of his Denzel Washington based podcast.

Seriously- he's a lot less recognizable with the hat, but still...he's a fairly famous fellow, right? Didn't he have a comedy central show for a while?

...No, it wouldn't have been "racist" if they'd actually thrown out a "scrubby looking" beggar bothering customers. Except:

Quickly Melissa gathered herself and our daughter and we left. Much sooner than we would have wanted to in a perfect world… or even in just a kind of okay world. Melissa talked to your employee. Melissa explained that although we had eaten there twice that day and even though she loved the Elmwood Cafe that we would

Ah yes, The Bay Area. Full of such liberal, tolerant folk. Kamau Bell himself says this about a million times in his own standup material.

"Destroying a waitress's life". Hyperbole X 100 dontcha think? Why all the profanity?

Part of the problem here is that no one should be treated this way, whether they are W. Kamau Bell or in fact a person trying to make some money on the streets. I have been at restaurants where people have tried to sell me flowers or beg or whatever, and I always appreciate it when the staff deal with it in a kind

Who the hell looks out the window of their workplace, sees a group of people talking, and thinks pounding on the window and shouting is an appropriate thing to do? Let's put aside the fact that this was just a guy talking to his wife's friends. It is never okay to do that, even if it is a pan handler. That is just not

That the book is obviously about Loving v Virginia-a civil rights case on interracial marriage- is the icing on the cake.

Then the Elmwood management learned about this giant, rude and racism flub and offered to have a "public" chat about the incident, I assume to avoid being boycotted.