
Right? Sometimes being married to me is like a crash course in race relations and white privilege for my husband (he is white, i am not). It's not always easy on either of us but we often just have to talk about how things are way different for him than they are for me.

Truly. Millennials seem to think that we've hit the post racial period by now. But, really. What's so hard about going outside and offering the man a seat in case he wanted to join that party? And THEN asking him to leave (nicely) if it turned out he didn't know any of them?

Err on the side of kindness, people! >_<

I was just talking about this with our pediatrician a couple of days ago. She said there are some doctors in the practice who refuse to accept patients whose parents don't vaccinate. She said she doesn't do that because she wants the chance to bring them around. She said that she tries to get them on board starting

Except for the hour and 30 minutes one waits for a busy doctor after the appointment, the travel time to pick the kid up, and return him to where ever, then get back to work. It can easily be 4 or 5 hours, depending on where you work, where the kid is, where the doctor's office is, and what traffic is like.

The East Bay is lovely too, cheaper, and home to more vaccinated non-crazies. Don't get me wrong, we have total nuts in the East Bay, but our vaccination rates are higher.

I did vaccinate my child, as per the CDC schedule, but it was difficult on a single income to lose half a day of wages to do so. In what universe does a doctor's visit take literally "one minute"? Someone in my situation might think that "oh no one gets the measles anymore" and forgo it so they don't lose work. I

Agreed on the point of blocking access to public schools and blocking state and federal monies & accreditation from daycares and educational centers who don't require vaccination records.

My post wasn't in any way defending those assholes. Just an acknowledgement of the reality of the situation. The "honor system", as it were, doesn't always work. And when it stops working the state may need to use some form of coercion to protect its most vulnerable citizens.

Ugh…If she were pregnant she'd qualify as "legally emancipated" and would be able to get it on her own. After a doctor's office refused to let me consent to my own x-ray at 17, I'm really thinking that from 16 on, you should be able to make ALL the medical decisions yourself.

Wtf? Unvaccinated kids don't wear signs. How are you supposed to keep a child who medically can't be vaccinated away from them without literally putting them in a bubble .

I have read a few blurbs that it's not necessarily the cost of the vaccine (especially now with ACA mandating that insurance companies provide it for free) but it's often access to the vaccine and working parents having to take the time to arrange to have their kids vaccinated (most pediatrician's offices are open

I was actually made even more crazy on another board where there was someone spouting what sounded like libertarian rhetoric. They were going on and on and ON about how wrong it was to legally require vaccinations. That would leave to people being tied to the bed and forcibly vaccinated. They stated he believed in

It's free in California.

yeah what the HELL is the argument at SIXTEEN?! she is not going to develop autism at sixteen.

Do you watch The Nightly show? This past week they aired an episode about pro and anti vax and they asked an anti-vax woman if they had a vaccine that would absolutely 100% prevent/cure autism would you give it to your child? And she said NO. I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle her.

I don't know about all states, but here in Florida, my son was vaccinated for free.

So, my mother didn't get me the chicken pox vaccine because it had only just become available when I was a toddler, and sure as shit, I got chicken pox from a neighbor kid... and now, lucky me, I HAVE SHINGLES AS WE SPEAK. I may not be able to really remember chicken pox (I know my mom had to take two weeks off work

I feel like America in general is like that. "Ok, we'll fix this problem, but only after its become a complete crisis horror shitshow. Anything before that would just be needless meddling."

Other western countries allow teenagers to make informed medical choices even ones contrary to the wishes of the parents as soon as the patient is old enough to reasonably understand the treatment and consequences thereof. Its only in America that children are basically treated as property until the age of majority.

You're right that there is no stupidity vaccine, but there are steps you can take to build up your immunity to stupidity: