
I agree with your feelings, but in most states you do not have an expectation of privacy in public. Had he taken these photos in the lady's room, that law may have actually applied.

It certainly seems like taking pictures of a minor for sexual purposes, or child pornography. :/

I totally read that as she would be returning to The View; which I do not watch, and thought that it would be nice for her, given the dissolution of her marriage. Not quite the lighter note in the story I took it to be.

Holy crap, Angela Bassett looks good.

That would be Harper, and I'm wondering too. The color is lovely, and could be natural, but it looks like she has darker root growth. I think she's blonde, but not quite so light. Could be "sun in" or some other spray in color that would be safer for kids.

Maybe she wanted to hurry up and have them before IVF or something was necessary? I feel like of they were adopted, tbose kids would just have been removed from their care permanently.

I get what you were saying, and saw that you qualified it.

You'd think there'd be some sort of law against purporting to give medical advice or psychological council without reporting crimes like rape or physical abuse.

I agree. Just my personal feelings,

I would guess. You can get ulcerated sores on your legs and other parts from overtight skin, though hypertension may be more the cause than weight or water retention? It sounds very plausible though.

The article said nose job. That's the state of the art, redone nose.

Those angry veins sort of remind me of testicles rather than breasts. Chesticles? Which I doubt was her goal.

No 50 Shades brand tampons yet? We should all mock up some and sell them on Etsy.

Idk Ari, if you are getting that much soap it might be a sign of (whomp whomp) ...B.O. ;)

Would you eating Teddy Grahams be sort of cannibalistic?

I said this to someone else in a diff thread, but either the show got worse and more exploitative or I just topped out my ability to watch that shit. I feel like somewhere they crossed the line between informative and supportively horrified, and went right into schadenfreude and gory revenge titillation.

I stopped even casually watching when Chris Meloni left. (Not that I didn't feel the show was starting to go south while he was still on it.)

Timon, you bastard !

What's wrong with this response?