
I hear that resturaunt is really busy because of it's relative proximity to the College, and all the brunch foods. So, perhaps. There could have also been a shift change, or there is the possibility that the offended member of the waitstaff can't differentiate/recognise specific Black people.

In HS we had a German foreign exchange student. She was slight, slender, wore a close mousy brown bob and didn't wear makeup. Boys would actually verbalize their disappointment that she was not the St. Pauly girl's clone/Ayran bikini model. And some shitty 8th grader asked her if she used to be a boy. I briefly

I really, really want you to write back to guy number one and tell him he's too short, flabby, vegetarian and poor for you, but you hope he eventually finds a nice blind woman with no sense of smell.

Apparently this Country's juvenile facilities have issues with sexual assault and statutory rape, so the Police may well end up punishing them with what they were charged with.

The only S.T.A.R.S. I'm familiar with is a special forces team in the Resident Evil video game series. I had D.A.R.E. though. Do you have an approximate year you did this class?

Well, Supernatural is awesome, though I can't say as I've seen Justified. Does it star the guy who was Lindsey on Angel?

Define Binge Watching please. I like to save up episodes so I can watch 2-3 at a time, often with friends or family because it feels more cinematic. We talking like 4 episodes, or 10?

Madonna isn't looking that good. I will guess too much dieting and exercise. :/

Ugh, sorry your Mom isn't supportive, hope you have, or can find some supportive people.

Also very sad. I'd expect a teen to exercise better judgement around firearms than a 5 yr old though. (I suppose it does depend on his actual age and maturity lvl.) I guess we can all agree that guns should be safely stowed and secured around minors, since we aren't currently experiencing a zombie apocalypse.

The 5'8" bespectacled youth with brown hair, freckles and a Steve Hardy tee shirt shall remain nameless, though apartment 23, in the Waterford apartment building at the corner of Mulberry and Hyacinth may never be the same... We urge the students of nearby Reagan High not to tease him mercifully for the rest of his

Live by the dick, die by the dick?

Ya just couldn't wait it out, and let us forget how racist the cops in the St. Louis area were could you? In 6 months the NYPD would have taken all the heat off of you, but noooooo. Enjoy trending on twitter assholes.

Is he giving us the hand gesture for "penises touching"? Why does he look so sad? WTF is happening in the picture?

Looks sort of like she's slightly inspired by FKA Twigs. How cool would it be if they did a song together?!?!

She was probably insecure about her looks, liked your boyfriend and had a lifetime's worth of dogma reinforcing the policing of women's bodies and behavior.

Men aren't vain whores who tempt people into premarital sex? Whatever happens I'm sure the Catholic Church will find a way to blame it on women.

Wow, look at his profile, he must have a crush on Anna.

Lol, you should have told her she was CERTAINLY ugly on the inside, since she was pridefully judging and ignoring her own pile of sins.

Was Devine her Patronus?