Just don't lie down near this guy's son.
Just don't lie down near this guy's son.
She's entitled not to have garbage cans upended on her car for using public street parking, what are you even talking about?
Bruce is looking much better than Leann.
NM srry, I guess he and Tea divorced.
No clue, but I read some blurb about it. I am beefing with Ducovney. (Meh, I just don't care for him.)
His wife Tea Leone, and (I think they have) kids would probably be kinda pissed about that.
Could be, idk. :/
Yuck. Kudos to the cops and prosecutor who felt that because they once dated that the woman was his property, or had somehow consented.
Playing Devil's Advocate here, she may be less a licenced nurse, and more a trained home health aide who cannot replace that car if it's damaged and wouldn't get reimbursement for cabs.
I thought I read (from her) her friendship with Ducovney was why she did a guest spot on Californication. I think she'd also made comments about how the "will they or won't they" still happening in the late stages of Mulder and Scully's relationship was supremely stupid. Or she just said the show was stupid. :/
Wow. I'm sure these folks are great with the kids they actually have too. Spreading the ole patriarchal values and sending their non hetero cis gender kids to realignment camps.
I'm sure there is some "trap her in the basement and deprogram her till she births the baby" fantasy going on for some of them. They'd probaby get all mad and say it wasn't the same if you compared them to Ariel Castro too.
Sad Voldemort...
I'm very much over loud calls from dudes with Bluetooth headsets, or people playing music from their phone speakers on BART.
"WERE NOT DESPARATE" wins. "TAKE DOWN YOURE ARTICLE" is pretty close though.
But it's making me think of Arianna Grande. :/
That's apparently the thought. I don't remember the stoneable offenses (in Leviticus?) being weighted by severity.
Apparently the Foo Fighters took that group off their charities list. Still with the anti-vaxxers though.