
Haha, having my coffee now, totally agree.

Sorry lol, wasn't super aware of Grohl's politics (just looked it up; yup, that is 'increde-totes' stupid)

It's from one of the vedors at Etsy. I think she's comparing to Urban Outfitters since they are similarly tasteless, but this one wasn't them.

Jesus, poor Frances. And this that that note that was found a year or so ago from Courtney to Kurt that conspiracy theory loving fans tried to blast around as evidence that Kurt really hated Courtney.

I don't get the "after two movies" comment. After 2 movies they made together, and should be friends, or Lupita is only two movies into her Hollywood career and should pose with people?

I always feels that covers multitudes of situations some Christians insert themselves into.

Some of these "tween female" fans could just be pedos trying to met girls in their native habitat on the Internet. Maybe? I can't even fathom why tweens would want to trade 12 yr old girl's nude photos.

Lol, I agree that Enterprise is the worst. Even worse than Voyager.

I read that as "smaht Bahston bastahdsz". Yeesh.

Think I saw Huang and Baohaus on that Bourdain Layover show? If it's the same guy, he seemed like a lot of fun. (Everyone on that show was pretty fun.)

Just came to compliment the title. :)

Get off my dinner Waltz, or does Amy Adams have to cut a bitch?!?

Jay Z owns a champagne (or majority shares of it? ) manufacturer. I guess I expected he'd tweet about that.

That was cute!

In addition to people with no kitchen access (and the homeless also do well with food that travels easily since they frequently get asked to leave everywhere) elderly and disabled people may be legitimately too sore, achey or tired to laboriously cook a hot meal.

You know that family's gonna move too. It's just not worth it to live there with your kids, and that lady not in jail. :(

It was. It may have actually happened too.

It was attempted rape. I wish we would just call it that, harassment, stalking AND attempted rape. She should have (minimum) a couple years in jail, and have to register on the sex offender frigging website.

Girl on the right there looks 16 tops. So gross.

"While other countries seek to create opportunity and provide a better start for students by abolishing tuition fees or lowering them to reasonable amounts..."