

Lol, srry didn't see the other comments in thread. Feel free to dismiss or leave it as you like.

Not really.... in my experience. The last 2 months of the 1st trimester pretty much feel like you have the flu or something, very tired, low energy, nausea and occasional vomiting (though intensity can vary). You get terribly gassy and constipated (I've yet to see that in a movie!) as digestion slows to a crawl so

When I was pregnant (which I totally knew) I had issues feeling the baby kick to do the kick counts. One of the OBs (they had me go into labor and delivery for fetal monitoring) figured out that the placenta was situated in such a way that prevented me from feeling the kicks or flutters.

That's the one.

In fairness, I thought it was sewn in, like a track of extension, (so that was my wording, not their's) however it was actually attached, it detached, and the woman asked her to glue it back on.

Weird. I looked up Mink eyelashes, Google seems conflicted as to whether or not they are real mink. If they are real, it seems cruel and frivolous, and I hope everyone using them gets pink eye.

He seems so much like a Scott Thompson Kids In The Hall bit. Is he trolling us?

That's either the magik of Kardashian Sunless Tanner, or its an over abundance of Kontouring.

Winner is the one you marry, since you think they're the one you could stand , the fuck one should be the one you find attractive but long-term problematic.

Kim is no Liz Taylor either, I doubt she'll be in television and print ads in her late 50s. That's going to be one very painful fall from grace I think. :(

Kim always looks like she has glamorous spider's legs in her eyes. Idk if those are her real lashes (I doubt it) but they creep me out.

She's just unhinging her jaw to eat, then replace Brian Williams.

They sell a line of spray tan, she's probably advertising it and "Snookiesque" didn't sound as nice. ;)

Honestly, it should be Vanilla Ice.


Someone should remind Mrs. Wahlbergers about how they had to edit Marky Mark's THIRD nipple out of his CK ads.



Lol @ our poor acidic dads.