
Protesters in St. Louis have marched on the St. Lois PD's headquarters and delivered them an Eviction Notice. Around 6pm EST.

We're safe unless either of us is Fred Gwynn. Also, blanket forts repel supernatural forces. :)

Apparently hairy baby is an art piece, and was never for sale. Other pieces of the same artist's work at the link.

Pet Cemetery, right? Evil Gage scared the crap out of me as a child.

Supposedly Tengu baby there is some guy's alternative artwork. Follow my link to see his chubby Barbie (Ken's Aunt) and the OMFG Lego concentration camp.

I rename him Crotchchewa. Crotchchewa Bum. I've also probably just renamed him what his high school football team used to call him.

Looks like Sailor Mars.

Of course not. Only women deserve to have their life's worth measured by how many people like them, or how attractive people find them. Men have inherent worth and personality. ; p

I can understand that, and I wasn't trying to say what her course of action should be, just surprised he was included. The fairly small group of people I've met with traumatic childhoods often just omit that parent.

There are two daughters, Giada and Eloisa. I'm sure all four of the children were traumatized by the father's behavior though.

Yeah, at first I thought that it was kinda shitty on the part of the folks with HIV then I remembered how they likely had no access to healthcare and no other job prospects. :(

Lol, Macklemore seems to think so on that Thrift Shop track. Or he was having some sort of aneurysm. I wish that dude from The Prodigy (he's the firestarter) would come smack him. :)

It's so weird that MIA can rap and still maintain her British accent. All these white Aussie women get struck by some kind of weird shambolic brogue.

The "racists" comment was directed at Duck Dynasty. I must have just blanked that that one was on the network formerly known as "Arts and Entertainment".

And Scfi went with Syfy because they wouldn't want their awful "direct to dvd" style films confused with a literary genre!

ISo, on the subject of Jeremy Renner... my friend (who has a massive crush on him ) swears up and down that Renner reads as gay to him. Will I have to concede?!?

That happened to that football player who'd had a car accident at night. Poor guy was heading to them for help, and probably shocked and woozy and they shot him.

Hopefully they'll protest the St. Patty's Parade too. Well, maybe that's a bad idea. :/

Tbought that was what the acronym stood for. If they wanted to distance themselves they should have gone with "Racists and Pagents"or "Pedos and Pica".

I agree with what you are saying, but I think it's also very important for women with medical issues to be included in the discussion.