
I don't like the stuff we're learning from The Learning Channel anymore.

I'm now remembering that time on Buffy where Cordilia said her mother had chronic hepatitis, because Epstein-Barr and Chronic fatigue were so last year.

Bialik or Cuoco? Bialik's got a doctorate in neuroscience, maybe she's bored with the conversations?

I feel like they may be crying because they're hungry.


Should she say "On Fleek" ?

Nice look of contempt. I expect that to fade after a couple days in jail.

Maybe Mayim Bialik and Jim Parsons will cruelly shun her behind the scenes. :/

Same. You get some of your husband's dna via your child's fetal cells. Since my husband has had seasonal allergies and I didn't, I like to jokingly blame him, though a change in hormones could have also done it.

The least she could do is airbrush and flatteringly paint the Grandmas. "How sharper than a serpent's tooth..."

There are a ton of ads against drinking and driving, while I see very, very few against "THCing" and driving. It could be different in Colorado though.

Blackcurrants are a berry that go well in jam, cassis, and apparently wine. You can get the jelly/jam in Upstate Ny fairly easily. Also red currants.

It's pretty decent in peanut butter. You could still kinda taste the weed, but it was complimentary. Stuff took about 29+ min to kick in, so it was hard to accurately dose.

It's tomatoface. He just kinda vomits turdy word salads on his keyboard.

ManBearPig/Al Gore/South Park reference.

Yeah, I just go sit in that empty seat. Idk why more people don't just grab the empty seat, it's not exactly the aisle seaters job to offer it.

Lets all send this group some dollar store fungal cream and ask them to stay off public transit till their medical problems clear.

I don't think it did elicit strong reactions, I think Ladygroaningsouls was just being flippant. While some Americans don't have a lot of exposure to other cultures or travel, the same could be said of quite a few Brits.

U mad bro?

Christina Aguilera is secretly Times Square Elmo. Run Mickey, before she gets you with one of her anti semetic rants !