Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Yeah, Dubya painted HW's/dad's nightmare and it now sits in his/HW's attic. I guess that "his" was unclear as to which Bushie I was referring.

You'd think at least one these Bayformers would have Turbo Boost or Super Pursuit Mode.

I doubt it, but Trump is still gonna make Christie Reek find out.

A Fred Sanford fever dream.

Somewhere in Herbert Walker's Kennebunkport attic, there is Dubya-painted depiction of his broccoli nightmares based on the third/right panel of Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights."

We don't like hobbits. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.

Is there an all-Razzie version of EGOT?

"…But you 'sheer' ONE sheep!"

Trump: {eating} This is alright, but it's not the greatest pasta I every had, believe me.
Christie Reek: Respectfully, sir, pasta puttanesca isn't named after Putin. In fact, it was invented in It-
Trump: Did I say you could talk? Hmmm? No. If you've got time to talk, you've got time to eat more meatloaf. Always Be

Oooo, now Leah Remini is gonna bust that Scientician!

My ears left hurting,
Dropped my merkin(ball)

Vamprechauning Tatum

The IT department is located in Eagleton.

{holds flashlight under chin} …And on nights just like this, they say the Obama is still out there, always searching, always hungry… FOR YOUR GUNS!!!!

Yeah, Trump has no problem doing business with gangsters.

Eddie Murphy made Axis Foley seem like such a cool Nazi.

{Kim Jong-un jealously tweets King Missile's latitude and longitude to his missile command}

Outside the Bunny Suit, all of this reality is terrifying for him.

Nope. Trump and his gang are horrible enough that they should be endlessly mocked for every screw-up, no matter how insignificant or petty. Anything and everything to get under Trump's tissue-paper skin. Whenever possible, he should be denied even the slightest of affirmations or hint of kudos.

I assume that he spends hours backstage in the warmth & safety of his Easter Bunny costume building up his mental reserves before begrudging taking it off at the last moment to come out in front of the press to lie and spin for asshole PotUS 45. Once done, his soul nearly emptied of his dwindling humanity, he rushes