kung fu lola

I've noticed more anti-choicers claiming they're not religious or claiming their opposition to abortion has nothing to do with religion. They claim it's about "human rights" (the human being the embryo or fetus) or it's about"fiscal responsibility." Crap arguments, obviously, but I can believe a lot of anti-choicers

No, no, you all stay under your bridges, thanks.

Having a miscarriage is just proof that you didn't want the baby enough so God decided not to let you keep it, and not wanting the baby is practically the same thing as having an abortion and everyone knows abortion is murder. The previous sentence is a paraphrase of an actual thing an actual person said to my

Except she was so drunk she was vomiting out the window while he was penetrating her. The rape wasn't even looked into for 10 months, it says. Do you really think they had any interest or concern as to whether it was rape? I seriously doubt it. I would wager that drunk enough to vomit = too drunk to consent.

There's waaay too much here for me to comment on, but to get to the most important stuff:

Yet still I hear from my fellow British Columbians that the native community is getting a free ride and they should stop complaining about the past abuses. The fact is that European colonizers systematically took over land and resources because they could not because they had the right. Pre-Columbus North America

those people would've done that if they were all atheists. you don't need religion to be evil and i'm saying this as a person who doesn't believe in organized religion.

Chiming in with Missy to agree and add that Blatchford's relevance to most of us locals dropped very low when she moved from a left/centrist paper to one of the most right-wing papers going. She's an asshole windbag who deserves obscurity.

Unfortunately she still received federal distribution for her articles so someone's reading them and paying for them. As a Canadian woman I have never known any woman who has been assaulted, had the crimes investigated, and resulted in prison time for the attacker. FFS look how many women were murdered by the pig

Can we not give any clicks to Blatchford? She's a tired old irrelevant crank who routinely victim blames and is just generally a terrible person.

I bet the boys' parents are grieving the same way Leelah Alcorn's parents are.

During his sentencing, as the National Post's Christie Blatchford notes, the teen said that Parsons' eventual death had nothing to do with his actions, telling the court, "I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away, but I will live with the guilt of sending the picture."

"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."

There are more important points to be discussed, certainly, but I would like to note that Christie Blatchford is basically Canada's Ann Coulter. Please don't anyone think her narrative is representative of how Canada feels about the multitude of crimes committed against Rehtaeh Parsons.

Can we drop the "good kid/person who made some mistakes" narrative as a defense? The only thing that sentence means is "yes [he/she] is a [rapist/murderer/pedophile/violent bigot], but I [the speaker] still love [him/her]." Honestly, I couldn't care less that you still love your rapist son or violent bigot husband.

Sue them for what? Virginia is an at-will state. And this isn't discrimination. There are plenty of examples of religious employers firing people for not meeting church teachings. Hell, search Jezebel and you'll find posts about a bunch of them.

Shit, they're barely human once they're out. My kid is still a wee alien visitor from a distant star when it comes to human concepts like "I don't like it when you hit me" and "You'll hurt your eyes if you poke your fingers into them while demonstrating that you know what 'eyes' means."

human treasure talks to human garbage about non humans, is a treasure, makes garbage mad.

I'm not really sure how that helps trans women who are non-op or don't have the finances required for surgery (or other extenuating circumstances), who are usually the ones that get screwed over with all of this abstraction and compromising and whatnot.

Last line of the article: "one of the conditions of getting the rights to the show is that you can't critique it or alter it"