kung fu lola

I'm both a victim of rape and of child abuse. I have written kind words to my teenaged abuser (whom I believe to be a good adult now), but I sincerely have tons of trouble with the idea of telling my acquaintance rapist, weeks after the rape, that I need to have a "NonServiam-Rapist love sesh" because I haven't seen

I think too many people assume that, for anyone who experiences acquaintance rape, that experience will act like a switch on their feelings, and, BOOM, you'll clearly feel like that person is an asshole. That probably happens in some cases. But when it is someone to whom you are close, whom you trust, with whom

If three different women accuse a man of rape, shouldn't the "where-there's-smoke,-there's-fire" alarm bell go off?

I had a discussion with a man online who repeatedly used the word female, so I asked him if he knew it was offensive to many. He said he did and that's why he used it. I further pressed him and he said he did not view women as human beings and thus deserved the "female" terminology used to describe animals. It was a

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.

People like to adopt extreme examples to confirm their bias, unfortunately. The fact is, the vast majority of Christians living in the modern world believe in modern medicine and science. They accept that the universe is probably around 14 Billion years old. They have no qualms with the Theory of Evolution. It's

This. They didn't seem to tease out effects, so it's basically a useless study.

I am SO going to use "Don't make out with God in public" over and over again. Love it!

It's not. "Doing a Better Job" is subjective and automatically implies that those of faith are doing a lesser job. I think it's disingenuous to deny the implication.

Remember a couple of weeks back when Bill Maher was yelling that if there were so many non-crazy Muslims then they needed to speak up? It was a dumb thing to say. I speak and I get "STFU, Christian. Of course we're not talking about you." No matter how you look at it "doing a better job" groups us into one big pile.

Yes, this. I'm convinced that people keep forgetting there are intelligent, liberal, religious people because we aren't the type to go on crazy rants or do obnoxious shit that gets put on the news.

Because my voice deserves to be heard as well. So yes, #notallchristians with ZERO shame. I'll #notallchristians all day erry day.

Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov

This. Not to mention that Japan's Shinto roots are so integrated with their lives (many superstitions and even Japan's ghost culture comes from Shintoism) that many could probably be classified as both secular and non-secular IMO. My Japanese relatives are devoutly Catholic (when I came to visit the first question

Yes — the old correlation vs causation issue. This is probably more likely indicative of parents who're generally open minded, educated, empathetic, and adept critical thinkers; it doesn't necessarily mean that atheism/humanism/secularism is the cause of those other desirable traits.

In other news, Jezebel once again makes the peculiar mistake that religion is a synonym for Christianity.

I think that's fine.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."