kung fu lola

Exactly. There comes a time in everyone's life when they learn whether the world wants to share itself with them, or not. That crucial moment will mark everything that comes after.

Thank you. Is it just me, or Jez nearly unrecognizeable these days?

"Mentally distressing" would be an understatement, especially when we're talking about deformities like holoprosencephaly, which in its most severe, "Alobar" form, prevents the eyes from differentiating into two orbs, and produces one ocular mass in the face where the nose would be. The nose appears in a nascent form,

No, it didn't keep them out of the baby's face, it just created an atmosphere of discomfort when they went to give it a gushing compliment and couldn't figure out whether to say the baby was "so pretty" or "so handsome".

"People won't be able to fall back on stereotypes to dictate their language and behavior."

Most condom lubricant is "specifically designed" - to kill sperm on contact. Nonoxynol-9, which is the spermicidal additive often included on condom lubricant, has been used as a detergent on hospital surfaces in the past. I know more than one woman whose vagina can't tolerate it.

Just so you know, desertbloom, you are engaging with a person who is well-known in the blogosphere for supporting the medical establishment's conventional wisdom, while disparaging natural birth/home birth advocacy. This isn't to say that she is incorrect in all things; however, she has an agenda, and like any person

But You & I is better.

A world of no. Battle Royale is a soulless empty shell of a story compared to Hunger Games - and yes, I saw and read BR when HG was just a twinkle in Suzanne Collins' eye.

Isn't he the one who threatened to stab another celeb in his dressing room? I remember Russell Brand interviewing him and bringing it up, on his podcast.

No kidding. What was that quote about skirts and library cards? Rivers promotes the status quo because she benefited from it.

Fair enough.

You are one of the posters around here whose opinion I respect the most, but I feel compelled to ask you to re-consider your Thor opinion for one moment. The cranky reviewer at our local public broadcaster who hates everything gave it a good review, and our roommate, who is a superhero movie connoisseur, loved it. She

What an excellent way to ensure the sustainability of the Low-Income Fatty Population. Otherwise, how would we address our nagging Scorn Surplus?

Oh, thank heaven. Objectivism is for sociopaths.

I was just going to mention that. Macduff'd!

I know it's not this way for everyone, but a large chunk of the workforce has the option of taking public transit. I know that not having a car contributes greatly to the amount of extra money I have in my pocket as a mid-to-low wage earner. I don't think it's accurate to compare having to pay for transportation to

1) Delivery drivers have to pay for their own vehicle, insurance, maintenance and gas. If their income is not high enough that tax-deducting these expenses gives them relief, when these mandatory costs are deducted from their profits, they make less than minumum wage.

Yes, there are - well not Wiccans, per se, but Pagans for sure. One of the Pagan blogs has a regular commentor who holds monotheists in extreme contempt and thinks that human sacrifice can be theologically justified.