kung fu lola

Because of the way we have set up society, teen pregnancy is a social ill. It either outright prevents promising people from succeeding, or it hampers their progress as they struggle to become independent wage-earners. We chose to create an education system where people are trained for employment in their teen and

I think anyone who would attempt to humiliate a gay man by filming him in an intimate moment and then broadcasting it to everyone and their dog could reasonably be labeled as "dangerous or disturbed". It demonstrates callousness and profound lack of empathy, which are character traits we should make every effort to

Seriously. There is a reason why they used to say "women lose a tooth for every child they have". Fetuses be leeching calcium, yo. We're LUCKY to live in an age of widespread nutrition and relative food security.

Sarah already gets to be a ballerina. She should just be grateful for that and stop whining.

It's because the motives are different. Male family annihilators are often objectifying the children they kill; they're not killing them because they love them and are trying to protect them from phantom threats. They kill them because they are possessions whose "theft" will hurt their partner, as in; "If I can't have

I'm here in this thread because my name is Emma! And I love clotted cream. And Emma Thompson's version of Sense & Sensibility. Her Golden Globes acceptance speech was a-freakin-dorable.

Most of his "work" in this regard has been via his twitter feed, so if, like the rest of the world, you have been ignoring it since 2009, it was easy to miss.

To be fair, Ashton has brought a lot of attention to GEMS, which is a legit, non-Ashton-aggrandizing charity that works to address the problem of underage prostitution. They're not doing this instead of working with legit charities, they are doing this as well as.

There are rules to prevent women who are doing AI to conceive, from using sperm from a man who is not in one of two categories: 1)Their primary romantic/sexual partner, or 2)An anonymous donor to an accredited sperm bank. Friend of the family? Nope. Brother-in-law to a lesbian couple? Nope! Gay men's biological

If I have a son, and I end up with some hand-me-down frilly pink dresses in my trunk of baby clothes, I might just put them on him from time to time, on laundry day or whatever. He won't remember!

I think it's awkward when people think it's an insult when strangers refer to their child as the "wrong" gender. Isn't it normal to not be able to distinguish boy babies from girl babies? Anyone who would get "angry" over that, needs to take a few deep breaths. And then ask themselves why they are so invested in

The person responsible for Nadya Suleman's brood was a doctor with a hippocratic oath, too. It seems to me that the flip side to having a for-profit health system, is that those who can pay for it get on-demand treatments, whether they truly need them or not.

I see what you are saying, but I think there is a subtle difference between that thinking, and Marinelli's statement, which specifically names Catholicism and other Christians. The former is a smirky attempt to delegitimize same-sex unions as there is an underlying assumption that only religiously-sanctioned marriages

As a Canadian, the whole notion that just being born in another country would besmirch or invalidate a person's presidency is eminently silly. One of our prominent former government officials, The Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, was born in Haiti. (And is a woman, and is pure class). We have some weirdness about

It is not hateful to acknowledge that the cost of having a child in our society is beyond what those below middle class can bear. That's not a character flaw of the poor, it's a flaw in our society. Money doesn't grow on trees, and having a worldview that takes into account this fact is not "elitist". Take your smoke

One of my best friends is a brilliant novelist with a couple of degrees from a decent Canadian Uni - and he was abused by his mom, too.

These articles wrench at my heart, because I remember when Kimberly Rogers was in the news, when I lived in Ontario.

Thank you for pointing this out.

I see a lot of people having fun with mocking Madonna for thinking she could do this herself - but the thing is, she didn't. She got Jeffrey Sachs on board. When Raising Malawi started up, his name was all over everything. Madonna's MO has always been to surround herself with people who are experts in what she wants