kung fu lola

@haguenite: Actually, it was written in response to the comment above it.

@haguenite: Your facetiousness is so cute I'd like to pinch its cheeks, but the problem of bi people being denigrated by the queer community persists. This is a tune that plays in the background of my life, and other people's too, if you read some of the other comments.

@Kasira: Seriously. Just because I have a v and like the p sometimes, I'm a cis het who is co-opting queer rights? I'll make sure to hand in my resignation at the next meeting of my political party's LGBTT commission, of which I am co-president. And I also better inform my wife. She'll want to slap me with a wet trout

@Heather K: Yup. Thanks for erasing people like La Gags and me from the gay rights movement, Jez.

@JohnnyMothra: I think the "perceived value" is on the end of the current members, who abuse their status as gatekeepers to victimize people who want to be part of the group. Some groups haze and some don't, and most of the time a tradition of hazing in a given group is kept secret, so you have people who want to be

@LostBedStuy: Thank you. I am a feminist who is educated about rape culture, but I reserve the right to be skeptical and discerning about a given, individual case. Julian Assange is not an interchangeable stand-in for every accused rapist ever, and his accusers are not every rape victim ever. As I have said here

@oohdarling: Even if she was genuinely sexually attracted to her father, it was wrong of him to allow her to act on that. As her father, he has a duty to help her become a more self-actualized, healthy, independent person, not just when she is in her formative years, but for the rest of his life. The parent-child bond

@oohdarling: "However, between two consenting adults, no party is more or less guilty than the other regardless of gender, age, social standing, etc."

@cookiecutter: I was thinking more about isolated communities, pre-global village. Tay-Sachs is a good example of the result of a community restricting their gene pool, without incest being a factor.

@Kilotwat: In some countries, they are. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and there has been more than one pharmacist who got caught trading drugs for sex, who was promptly slapped with a sexual assault charge. It's like statutory rape - the person may have consented, but their ability to truly consent is

@cookiecutter: Yeah, this is spurious science anyway - it really bothers me that people equate "incest" with "mutant babies", when there is really no evidence to support that. The problem is with more than one generation of inbreeding, and the same problems pop up in ANY small gene pool, not just one where people are

@oohdarling: Imo, he is more guilty, because he had more power. They were not two equals entering into the relationship - he raised her, he is her father, and therefore he will ALWAYS be in a position of power over her, psychologically. Even if the particulars of this individual case are that the parent/child dynamic

@nobodyr: If you truly are stuck interacting with such narrow-minded people, with no alternative, I pity you. Where I come from, it is normal for people to choose child-free lives, and to have their privacy respected in such momentous decisions.

@veronykah: You need to start having conversations with nicer people who are more worthy of your time and attention.

@messybessy: Are there any stats on this phenomenon, or anything besides "common sense" anecdotes/conjecture?

@littleada: I think that there is a difference between choices that have a "negative societal effect" - like alcohol and VLTs, and the creation of subgroups which are self-sustaining and perpetuating, like polygynous communities.

@littleada: There is an anthropologist who testified in this case who has studied the societal effect that polygyny has. The possibility of accumulation of many wives has the side-effect of turning women into commodities; it affects how men see women, and how men treat other men. Imo, the issue here is whether

@fairyvexed: ... which makes this a perfect crime of which to accuse someone - the type of forward-thinking people who want to defend Assange because they believe in his cause; and the type of forward-thinking people who are aware of Rape Culture are two groups who overlap. The psychology of this smear campaign is