kung fu lola

@Dialogue_Dub: It does make sense. But I don't think the filmmakers parsed it that way, which makes them cluelessly racist, as opposed than maliciously racist. Not that one is preferable to the other.

@Shinta: I think it's grossly insensitive to rank people's problems and act as though some people's experiences are more objectively authentic than others.

@Dialogue_Dub: Imo the "joke" wasn't so much that they were African, but topless in a non-sexual context. Like fapping to Sears' lingerie section.

@Shinta: " "And when you really think about it, it takes a certain level of privilege to have the luxury of devoting so much effort and attention to something that matters so little."

@RedLantern: My thoughts exactly. Seriously, word. I am astounded that other people are amazed at/skeptical of this. Anderson has consistently displayed greed and self-obsession. This just in: unethical people are unethical.

@sissylarue: I am thinking of the compensation in these terms. as well. It's ridiculous to frame compensation like this as "trying to make up for" what happened to them. This is not for the purpose of addressing the crime committed against her, it's to mitigate the other things that come along with being a victim of

@MamaB: I am a woman who is married to a woman. I am attracted sexually to both men and women. When I say that I choose to be gay, what I mean is that I don't feel like an automaton who is compulsively acting out my sexuality. I feel like I own my orientation, it doesn't own me.

@Evan_Cohen: People like you make the world a worse place to live in for others. The Constitution is a noble document (and I say that as a Canadian) and it's worth defending, but it doesn't have a heart or a soul and no one will ever have to answer to G-d for wronging it. At the end of the day, it is people who

@MamaB: My homosexuality was and is a choice, I can tell you. I am very happily married to a woman I adore, and I choose to be gay every day of my life. I am not ashamed of it in the least.

@laraish: But when you are elderly, is decline, illness and death really an "unforeseeable event"? The probability of someone dying in old age is significantly higher than the likelihood of them being struck with an incurable cancer at 30, or getting randomly hit by a bus.

@mparker5: Oh, man, I WISH I had a "wine in the basement at 3:45 AM"-type lifestyle. It sounds very Gaga-esque.

@BringerofthePain: Oh, ouch. To be fair, all brothers are gross sometimes.

@sweetypie4now: She's always been Lola to most of us. She only goes by "Lourdes" at school.

@DarbyShaw: Reading Lola's blog entry provoked my brain into a state of belligerent eloquence. If my thirteen year old daughter thought it was appropriate to write that way for public consumption, I would smack her, take away her iPhone for a week, then smack her again. ;)

That is an unusually cute one. The ones I saw at Currumbin were mangy, snaggle-toothed perambulating boot brushes.

@mparker5: Are you me? Replace "swimming" with "contemporary dance" and you could be me.

@morninggloria: This is a world in which chatty unsufferable people are also called "popular", and given nice things for being such.

@HelloKitty: If they're Housewives now, they are old enough to know better. And if they don't at this stage, they never will.

@MiloMinderbender (will sell you shares of the syndicate.): The problem with that attitude is that out in the real world, integrity, loyalty and achievement count for less and less these days, while looks are counting for more and more. People want to be valued for their beauty because they are not stupid and they can