kung fu lola

@Norma Neufner Lady Officer: Another annoying habit is assuming that neutral-coloured clothes are "more for a boy", which my idiot sister-in-law did when she was pregnant with her spawn. As if male is the default, and girls have to be dressed in pink frills all the time.

@sportz.star: Me, too. I was four. The love affair hasn't ended yet.

@Never_Nude: Awww, thanks! My Australian in-laws have fostered over 150 kids between them, and of the 100+ who were my MIL's, two of them my wife still calls her "sisters", and a few more are honourary cousins. All of them went from being broken, at-risk kids to happy productive members of society, with their own

@Not-Shattered: Ah. We have age-discrimination laws in my country already, so that issue wasn't at the forefront of my mind. Although, you Americans have those awful "at-will" States. I suppose it's almost impossible to prove discrimination in those.

@keldo: This is a conceit that many people engage in, but it just doesn't play out that way in real life. Beauty is not, 100% entirely subjective - not even between different cultures. There is evidence that certain groupings and proportions are universally more attractive than others, especially traits like clear,

"Rather than legislating beauty, perhaps we ought to be focusing on more discrete, measurable attributes such as weight and age."

Eff you, Wendy. I know a little boy whose parents are a lesbian couple, and he is the coolest kid ever. His "Dinosaur Princess" outfit is the shiznit (Disney princess hat, dinosaur t-shirt, pink tutu, jogging pants, silver slippers with blingy toe-buckles). My wife and I are going to have a baby in the next three

"It's easy to praise the woman who shouts out when everyone seems to be meek, and to laud audacity and outspokenness as inherent virtues, without paying much attention to the substance of it all."

@cinematheques: I think you have to know stuff about Russ already, in order to get it.

@Isoperla: I can't say whether Hitler was an animal lover or not, but his vegan/vegetarianism wasn't out of principle. It was a physician-advised diet to control his digestive problems.

@lizdexia: I felt the same way as you, until a couple of friends who follow the show said that they assumed a few episodes ago that Kurt had given up on Finn and didn't have any illusions that they would end up together. I was like; "Huh? I must have missed that," but if that was implied, it's embarassing to admit

@titchytiny: Haha, don't we all wish. This is a top-ten hit among whiny conservatives; "Everyone thinks we're bad people because we're sexist homophobic bigots who lack empathy! Waah wahh, what about teh queer-hating menz?"

@sumerfish: Yeah, the only place I have ever been where "partner" is not a tacit indicator of homosexuality, is Australia.

@TopLevelExecutive: I have never heard her whine about the unfairness of anything, especially not in this case. She straight-up took responsibility for her words.

@ElleL: I don't think she wants you to. From what I gather, that franchise is the bane of her existence.

@small-fox: I wasn't necessarily talking about this particular story; your rhetoric is very familiar to people who are engaged in feminist/womanist activism. I address that stuff wherever I find it. Often people who espouse those views are crypto-libertarians who don't acknowledge that they are speaking from a place

@small-fox: Women are certainly capable and sentient, but "full agency" is an illusion when you are dealing with people who live in poverty. Poverty is a form of coercion. When you have the "choice" to do [x] and eat/pay your rent, or not do [x] and be starving/homeless, is it really a choice at all?

@Imjustnotthatintoyou: I think it's because the words "model" and "porn star" are not just descriptors of a body type, they are loaded with positive moral value. We, as a culture, have made "fitness" and "healthy eating" into indicators of moral superiority. Therefore, saying "I have a beautiful figure" doesn't just

My wife had a terrible night, and now this. She loves Golden Girls and the passing of each one seems to make her more and more sad.