@conscious burning: One of my best friends won it, I can see if he could burn you a copy.
@conscious burning: One of my best friends won it, I can see if he could burn you a copy.
One of my very good friends (I just came home from a birthday party at his house, actually!) won two strip spelling bees in Montreal, this one being the most recent. He stripped at the end, anyway, after being confirmed the winner. Great fun!
@RedLantern: That quote is based on a concept he learned at The Kabbalah Centre (TM)."Bread of shame" is a concept introduced in the first few chapters of The Power Of Kabbalah.
@fridaycat.: Not to imply that Ashton is stupid, but that thought is almost word-for-word from The Power Of Kabbalah. "Bread of shame" is Special K terminology. Dude is integrating, hardcore.
@dancingteacups: Weird. When I put a lot of effort into something, about half the time I was told it was the wrong kind of effort.
@heartsrevolution: You might be unpleasantly surprised to hear how Canada handles GLBT refugees. I love this country and feel lucky to have been born here, but we have a long way to go on this issue.
@mbmargarita: The language is of giving permission. I hate that right-wing authoritarian condescension.
Oh M, I love you and your homeless chic. Not hemming your pants properly since 1998? Adorable!
@janiejones56: I am familiar with the tragic story of David Reimer. I am also aware that circumcision is not risk-free - but then, neither is putting in contact lenses.
@word.bird: I'm with you. If circumcision of men and boys has caused half of the injustice, lifelong anguish and agonizing deaths which can be attributed to FGM, that evil is the best-kept secret in the history of humanity. And we all know how quiet men keep about their problems. *rolleyes*
@mshummingbird: I lost my Mom when I was twenty-eight, and I identify so much with your story. I woke up the next morning with exactly the same questions in my mind. I still feel that way sometimes; she was my connection to the rest of the world, the bridge connecting me and my essence to the experience of being…
@seachange: [nevermind, re-read the article].
@DeccaLeChat: I share a little bit of your discomfort, and for me, it comes from how I perceive technology and digital information. Much digital info, especially the kind shared on Facebook is ephemeral, fleeting, and mostly trivial. I have a hard time reconciling the flash-in-the-pan characteristic of information…
@MyUnderpantsHaveFlamesOnThem: Reading your comment, it occurred to me that most people, when they pick up the paper and read about rape victims in Saudi Arabia who get the lash, they are disgusted and horrified. And then, when their classmate or neighbour is raped, those exact same people will "call [them] a slut"…
@Meglantine: Yeah, they are all pretty, thin, and have clear skin. The only difference between them and "real" models is that many of them aren't tall enough. Stretch any girl in an AA ad to 5'10" and she'd be right at home in a modelling agency. They're not breaking any new ground.
@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: Oh, me too! I cherish all of those podcasts.
@Sweetie: He doesn't have kids, but he loves them. He often plays with the children of people in his entourage/staff. I believe it was David Baddiel's children who he babysat one day - they played in his hot tub. He talked about it on his radio show.
@AnnaBanana: He was.
@AnnaBanana: He was pretty hard on Tahnee Atkinson on AusNTM. She ended up winning, but he didn't do her any favours. Edited to mention: Tahnee was a size six or eight, and always looked luscious. She was easily the "biggest" girl to make it to the top ten, and near the end was constantly promising to "work on [her]…
@Ipomoea: This. So much.