100%. When the right is railing against the left, and doing so based on issues of looks, gender, clothing, they look sexist, lookist, and stupid.
100%. When the right is railing against the left, and doing so based on issues of looks, gender, clothing, they look sexist, lookist, and stupid.
Your points are accurate, but you are veering into Insufferable Jazz Person. It’s totally cool to react strongly to Kara’s assertion that jazz is the exclusive province of African Americans but also not be able to name every Caucasian guy who worked a soundboard during a recording session.
Yes... but CSI Miami was modestly redemptive. Katherine doesn’t have that.
This happens so often in so many instances that the person to whom the abuse is reported immediately says to the victim - oh, you must be mistaken. You must be imagining this. You must be reading what happened wrong.
Right - this guy wasn’t getting mauled... he was getting lazily cuddled to death.
Yes, but you’re still out of pocket for childcare because your “good” childcare costs far more than the state average.
Counterpoint: Parenthood kinda totally sucked, and This Is Us is good. Yes, it will make you cry, but so did ER and West Wing sometimes. I don’t do a lot of scripted TV, and I am enjoying it. Don’t binge watch it, though. That is a little raw.
Margins in so many of these businesses are so thin, and work staff are so integrated into the team, some of these workplaces de facto shut down with the absences. The absences are for laudable reasons, but if the business isn’t open, there can be a high price. That’s why protests and strikes are powerful - you do it…
I am not advocating 80 hours for everyone — this just an argument that not all CEOs are fatcats doing 4 hours of work each day. Their relative compensation is just quite high.
You misread. I say “34 hours straight” - as in all work, no sleep, no shower, shove a foodstuff in mouth and keep going. I used to do 40+ hour straight slogs with some frequency - they would now kill me. I became a sociopath on Day 2. (You work all night, the sun comes up, the rest of the deal team is awake, emails…
I literally only work with executives, and I’ve never known a single one to pick up his kids at 3 pm unless his wife was sick. There is far more talking and meetings in a CEO’s daily life than computer work, but if your CEO is on his/her computer for 50%+ of the time (which seems like legitimate work), the company is…
We were on a well, but I got fluoride treatments regularly. Very few cavities (one after braces, one in college, a tiny one a decade ago that they didn’t even numb me for). I started killing my gums and enamel at an early age, so I think that kids should be told not to take a death grip to their toothbrush. It isn’t…
Many thanks, Creepy Stranger! (first, last and only time I’ll probably ever say that.)
To be clear, I don’t think he’s an elected official, just a party leader for the GOP in that location. Which probably has its own internal elections, but certainly not from the general population.
I’ve been here forever, too. 5 years? Definitely pre-Kinja, but had to get a new burner and then not throw out the password. Out of the grays everywhere else, but I’m okay with it. You have to mine deep for my insightful views and witticisms!
Dear Sir -
This is a good way to live. You’ll need to cull eventually (or get a bigger place), but of course people start with more stark surroundings — they don’t come to their new digs with a whole host of objects and possessions that have meaning to them. We’ve had a house for 15 years. It took us 5 years before we had all of…
I routinely brush my teeth once a day, and I certainly eat sugar, but I skip brushing at night a lot. I have gums that have been eroding since I was teenaged, and for some reason, I’ve never really liked brushing my teeth before bed, so I got a little lazy about it in adulthood. I had a dentist that commented on my…
GAWDAMMIT - watching this made me feel bad for an addled old man with a demonstrably broken spirit who appears in part humbled. This isn’t even fun anymore.
Yeah, there’s a lot of hyperliberal concern-trolling here. Only a little bit of examination. I think there’s a far finer line than explored here. The Kloss shoot does appear to go too far - even if it seems on the respectful end of the spectrum. At the point of doing up the hair and the powdered face, most people…