probably because of that big fuckin black shape in front of his face
probably because of that big fuckin black shape in front of his face
[goes to an NFL game]
To be fair, it’d be cruel to make Buffalo fans snort their coke off a mirror.
I strongly dislike Jones, but this statement is just stupid. Like, bad stupid. You should feel bad. Bad Bretticus.
What suit?
No love for Peyton? He made a great throw last Thursday that should be arriving any minute now.
I wish it were trigonometry. Seeing Luck and Fitzpatrick match wits for three hours sure as hell would have been exponentially more interesting than whatever I was watching on ESPN last night.
[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?
Bungie treats the reddit sub as basically the unofficial “Official” Destiny forum.
Still trying to figure out what makes a beard ‘hot’ and when is a beard ‘not hot’
Spoken like a true a southie.
The lesson of this film is they can make Lifetime Original Movies in Britain, too.
Great article Nathan.
Firstly, I’m a Diaz hater, I don’t like either of the Diaz brothers, personally I think they are journeyman level fighters who talk like champion-level douche-bags and behave, largely, like 16 year-old boys. Secondly, I’m a pot smoker, I think pot should be a legalized control substance. Thirdly,…
Of all the passive ways to deal with this problem, this one is the best.
Are there any horizontal cooling solutions for the PS4 that come well recommended?
Are there any horizontal cooling solutions for the PS4 that come well recommended?
When asked to comment, Miami Dolphins tight end Jordan Cameron said “Nah, you guys have got it all backwards.”
Thanks for the in depth coverage of a highly anticipated title!
baseball is a weird game