
You still stayin’ fly?

I don’t think any sort of change is coming, because teams are still being dazzled by guys like Tebow, Winston, Mariota and Manziel and picking them in the first round, and then they are so surprised when they can’t hack it in the NFL as a pocket passer when they were never a pocket passer in college!

The car thing is funny to me, bc I just finished Sleeping Dogs, and it took me a while to get my brain to accept that I needed to approach cars from the right and drive on the left. I bet if I went back to GTA now, I’d have to re-train my brain yet again

Somehow Brady with his arm lovingly draped over Edelman just seems so right

nah, that was actually a half hearted walkoff celebration. i appreciate that, bc its in line with their half hearted play the past couple weeks. normally its the shower plus a serious mugging while the hero tries to run away. i think they know where they stand. and this did break their 6 game skid, so lets not be too

Yeesh, someone has their panties in a bunch! I know it’s a Monday, but damn!

Nah, I think this video nailed what makes a Wes Anderson film: head up the ass pretentiousness.

Then maybe, and follow me here, some people can balance the occasional crazy night of drinking and holding down a steady job!

Does “being productive” include dicking around on Deadspin in the middle of the day?

yeah, seriously. once i saw sutter was the writer, “shitty macho fantasy” is pretty much what i figured it would be

No way dude. Kyle Motherfucking Boller. He wasted the last couple years of a defense that could have won another Superbowl. Elam kind of sucks, but he’s not the single force holding the team back like Boller was.