
i found myself doing the same thing.

If you identify with your hair that much, maybe spend more than $1.99 on your conditioner?? Just a thought. What a dumbass. If she wins, one of Wal-Mart's stipulations should be that they will pay her, but they get to shave her bald first.

THIS!! where was the Bennie and Joon reference?? As an 80's baby, I was late to the Johnny Depp fanaticism. I was probably like 8 when 21 Jump Street was on the air. But this movie is what made me totally fall in love with him. Totally and completely. Bennie + Joon FOREVER.

Cameron Diaz?

...and dogs.

"The second new burger females can't eat is KFC's Mighty Burger. This ad, via Australia, is subtler in its exclusion of women. "

i remember this. he was having sex with a hooker (getting choked, if i remember right) and some dude busted in on him and tried to kill him mid-coitus. he murderlized them...with his ween flopping all over the place. it was far from sexy...despite his inherent sexiness.

YEP. that is now my new email signature. thank you very much.

which is why my boyfriend, who lived at home until he was 34 and was fed a diet catering to his self-proclaimed "needless pickiness" of high-cost Costco food (all meat/almost no veggies/no fruit...ever) is now on a diet of stir fry and casseroles. And always with LOTS of veggies. muahaha. The way I see it, as long as

since when is "fish" a "weird, ethnic food"?? He must have been from the Midwest...

whats not to like. anyone why watched True Detective knows that he can do now wrong for some time. despite many cheesy movies (most of which I have skipped), I have always thought he had a enough good projects/roles mixed in to remain likable.

it seems to me that he has always had that accent. he almost never has an accent in his roles, however, so i know why that question would have arisen.

oh sure. saw a naked hooker one week and a pedestrian that had been run over by an SUV two weeks later. just another day in virtual paradise here.


Good plan Sochi/Russia/IOC. Use our world-class athletes as guinea pigs and don't do safety due diligence. I'm sure no one will start asking questions about where ALL that money went since it clearly was not used to build quality facilities for events or accommodations. They should be so ashamed.

what a shitshow

The t.p.-in-the-bin thing is the norm in Mexico too. That's not too weird. Backwards toilet seats, however...that's a new one.

Athens, Greece...apparently.

as a southern california native i cant even conceptualize what sort of intrusive this cold would feel like. this is the stuff nightmares are made of.

Omg Totally With That Gif