Seriously. I'm reading this from the LA area like "LOLZ, $400 electric bills, no way". We keep our A/C at 74/75 at night and I sleep with just a sheet in the summer. Feels fine. If it was 68 I would be freezing my buns off!
Seriously. I'm reading this from the LA area like "LOLZ, $400 electric bills, no way". We keep our A/C at 74/75 at night and I sleep with just a sheet in the summer. Feels fine. If it was 68 I would be freezing my buns off!
^^ that's a great point.
Telling it like it is..."credit where it's due, the adaptation is solving the reason I never finished the book: too much history, not enough fucking early enough."
This sounds like it's worth checking out. It hits all my hot buttons, historical period piece, sexy men, battle stuff the boyfriend will like, sexy men with…
800+ Replies. Man, people REALLY hate a bitchy bride-to-be.
The last wedding had a cash bar and they were kind enough to let us know on the invitation. Score!! I'll be at my car smoking a joint and drinking my mixed drink. See you in 10 minutes. The bride came with me, btw, so it's not like I ditched her to go get loaded in the parking lot. Sometimes the pretty princess needs…
Trunk. Drunk.
KatM, once I again, you prove that I think we really should be friends. haha
I have, probably...10 fb friends like this. Small town people with BIG drama. Phew. I HAD to hide their shit. It is just BEYOND. We're talking, Maury Povich ain't got nothing on these people.
you're welcome. it's amazing
At least you are thinking about it now...BEFORE the beebs come. I think most people realize this sort of shit AFTER they have kids and then they're like "aw shit, I'm stuck with these monsters FOREVER". As an "intentionally" kid-less person in my 30's, that's what I imagine they are thinking *sometimes*, at any rate.
sounds like my household. the bf likes his podcasts and morning talk radio (which I think are SO BORING) and I like my shows with singing and playing music in every room. we make it work ;)
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
*90 million. But who's counting. Careful though...last time I commented on a 50SoG post I was accused of supporting rapists (wtf!!), so you never know with some people.
Um, Donna, is ALWAYS the best. Always.
It took me a while to get into this show, but "chicky chicky parm parm" will go down as one of my favorite lines of all time. And I know all the words to the 'Lil Sebastian song. And I totally want to try a Meat Tornado. Don't judge me!
Nope. It's all mental. Keep that savings. You will be glad you did in 10 years.