
Yeah, but they had to do a bunch of digging.

The Punisher property had taken some serious hits though. Commercial and critical failures are synonymous with its adaptations. And if the point was to build to a Defenders series then Punisher didn't fit.

Great. He says 'yugest' which is patently false and stupid. You say 'tiny' which is demonstrably false and stupid. A waste of all of our time. Listening to two morons go back and forth, why would this bother anyone? Hmmm.

Are you saying Michael Dudicoff voted trump?

This is so moronic. No one thinks Trumps crowd was larger than Obamas. That was a once in a lifetime moment.
Obamas crowd on the day was bigger and everyone knows that. Many reasons for that.

Kevin Dunn pumps in cheers through his hearing aid.

He'll take some bumps at Mania. He won't be around after so they don't have to worry about him getting hurt.

I simply cannot get my head around this. They have made a concerted point of hammering these fucking stats and records into our head from Michael Cole's goober mouth. And then they piss them all away for nothing.

Turned out she had a little dick. It was pathetic.

And still left the proper title on the table.

He died as he lived. Never having been mistaken for a man.

That little girl is a better wrestler than Shane McMahon.

Well you've got me there.

I thought I told him to trim that beard! Go home, you're off the tour, for good!

Well then. I guess I retract my previous statement.

I wonder how many jokes there will be about mistaking road work markings for Nazi insignia.

There is no way you believe this. Not in reality. And if you do, you're a crazy person. Which I don't think you are. I believe you are supremely well intentioned. But you've gone off the deep end here.

The point is it has really knocked AJ down a peg or two. He's still AJ, he's still way over. Still booked strong. But, having to lose clean to Cena at the rumble and be the official loser of their feud means he's not "better than Cena" which he legitimately could have claimed prior. Not any more.

Talking about the structure itself, I have issues.