
Cena executed an atrocious-looking everything in this match.

My favorite line reading was Dennis asking the arbitrator his name.

I haven't seen it yet. But I'll keep that in mind.

I care even less about David Dukes opinions on important things than I do about frivolous stuff.

Jesus, 40%??? Thats embarrassing.

Getting more riled up over meaningless shit isn't better.

Honestly, I don't think so. I'm going to reach my opinions, whatever they are, completely independently of where pieces of shit like him fall on the issue.

We are of course all completely on board with any "Fuck David Duke" message. But I assume it is kind of obvious to everyone that this IS a really dumb tweet from Evans. Not that anyone will admit it, lest they be labeled a Nazi themselves.

I want to see someone monkey bar their way to the top of the chamber and then drop onto someone.

He's got a little dick. It's pathetic.

It was a title invented out of thin air 3 weeks ago. It has no prestige.

The Cena/Styles match was good overall. I'd hardly call it a MOTY type.

He is. But he's also totally played out as a main eventer. No one wants to see the belt on him. Thats why being a member of the Wyatt family was such a good spot for him.

Speaking of Tyler Bateā€¦Matt Riddle was available.

You can't bring Nakamura in for the Rumble Match because you just took a belt off him with an injury angle the night before. So either he's got to no sell that or come in the Rumble compromised and look like shit.

Give the guy some credit. He held his left arm at his side for about 3 seconds of screen time during his entrance before totally forgetting about it. Totally sold the hellacious matchup he had earlier in the night.

One of them screwed up the timing of taking off his mask during their entrance. One took it off the second Ellering removed the veils, the other left it on. Eventually he spotted his partner wasn't wearing it and quickly whipped it off and looked embarrassed.

I have seen every takeover and I honestly don't recall seeing it before.

If Asuka didn't have to be pinned to lose the title. Why didn't Billie just lay down for Peyton and steal the belt? Idiots.

Yeah. We never had one reach 9 years. But I'd not trade it for a longer lifespan.