
A sequel to the Kamasutra.

There's lots of great stuff on Hunter. To me it just felt like a bit odds and sods. Somewhat slight and hodgepodge rather than all their other albums which felt more like total cohesive statements.

Much of their early output was a tad iffy IMO. I don't revisit it with any frequency. But holy damn are they are great band on one hell of a decade long run.

My family had Irish Wolfhounds growing up. They were amazing animals.

Yeah, non psychics would get the messages. Everyone would. But the brain has to be a real life working psychic brain to send those messages in the first place.

My problem with the Intergalactic Space squid in the comic, is that part of its creation was to take the worlds greatest psychic's brain and mutate it into the squid, so that upon its arrival in NY it will send out a psychic shockwave of images of alien invasions and scare everyone. But…that means Alan Moore actually

Excusing and encouraging unprovoked violence is morally repugnant, whether you are on a jury or not. Whether you are part of the state apparatus or not. Thats my point. Who the victim is, is irrelevant.

Hitler advocates preemptive violence? You don't say. I'll try to get my principles to align closer to Hitlers in future.

Or…there have been 700 comments since then. And yes, I've seen others too.

I read a hundred comments and not a one with even a side eye at condemning unprovoked violence. I don't care who it's against. Its got to be said.
I also don't think its right to dismiss a slippery slope. So there is this 'Nazi' being attacked here. Apparently he is, I don't know (He claims not to be in that vid, but

I never said he was competent. He punches like a girrrrrr….um, A calcium deficient human!

I read a hundred comments and not a one with even a side eye at condemning unprovoked violence. I don't care who it's against. Its got to be said.

I would.

I can't speak to what '[my] buddy' (thats the 2nd time you've done this…fuck off) favours. Having never heard of him before this. But 'White Lives Matter Too Much' is certainly a shitty race-bating slogan. There's no context in which that isn't a horrible thing to say. While it doesn't bother me specifically, the

What exactly are you saying here? Are you under the impression that the attacker was a POC? If I wanted to play underhanded tactics I'd just call that a racist assumption on your part. He was white. So yeah, I'm assuming that he wasn't racially abused by a bunch of nazis prior to what occurred in video. I'd say its a

Dude, nobody is 'letting them win' he's an asshole standing on a street corner. He's an irrelevance. He's a fart in a tornado. The only thing giving him relevance is some piece of shit discarding reason and resorting to violence. The last thing I want to be is a defender of a nazi. Jesus. Nobody is defending this guy

Haha. All with the broad strokes of a pulitzer acceptance speech already mapped out.

It is kinda funny that Starbucks was probably the most vocally anti-trump corporation and it was their store that got smashed up.

As opposed to doing so metaphorically?

You mean the 3 comments I'd made when you said this? Extreme indeed.