
I'm basing that off the fact that he left the house that day knowing he was going to need to conceal his identity.

Putting aside the fact that, obviously this isnt even close to the same situation. We defended ourselves against their attacks.
Thats the only time its permissable. If you resort to violence you concede the arguement and you also make it permissable for them to respond in kind. I take it you wouldn't be ok with this

Actually, what I'm saying here is that (if those are the labels we are applying to these two) that the "anti-fascist" is far worse in this scenario.

It sounds like you intended to refute my "garbage and blatant lies". But then you just managed to confirm that he was assaulted and that they did commit vandalism. So I have the following message for you. Thanks, totally reasonable sounding person.

Your mom sounds like a sensible human being.

I'm sure all the balaclava wearing thugs, roaming the streets and committing unprovoked assault and vandalism took the time to properly and rationally weigh the seriousness of the ideologies of their victims.

You mean like the women at that 'Women's march' with signs that said "Eradicate Men" and the sign in the background of this incident that said "White lives matter too much"

That awkward moment when you realize you've lost the moral high ground to a fucking Nazi.

Lot's of [redacted] matches on that set though.

I'll read quick recaps before decided to check it out. If, like this week, I read that DIY and The Revival are having their rematch I'll make an effort to check it out. But other than that I'm not following.

First thing tomorrow I'm going to punch Lenny in the back of the head!

Yep. Sometimes you've got to make a tough call and lose a great track or two, but you're better off than adding 5 mediocre ones in order to keep them.

The action might be the least memorable thing about it. It's endlessly quotable and consistently hilarious.

Sasha doesn't break tables. They break her.

Well I know you are but what am I?

Omega isn't mulling anything over. He's taking some well deserved time off to rest up and working an angle for his return.

Naito treats his title with more reverence and his gimmick is that he treats the belt like shit.

If he can get the Smackdown (supposedly) big shows to deliver a payoff that doesn't feel inconsequential anytime soon, I'll hear him out.

A shit name might hinder you from getting over, but once you're there it won't matter.

I'll bet you wouldn't look him in the bandana and say that.