
That wouldn't be fair to Flair.

I predict his next comment is going to SHOCK THE WORLD!

I agree that they have built NXT into a brand unto itself. But I don't think the picture you're painting is accurate. It runs at a loss but they see that as an investment. It's not a money pit. It's still developmental. It just isnt soley developmental.

Man poor Gedo gets no love. Nobodies perfect. But there's nobody better.

Not completely. He still pulls out his silly over selling comedy shtick on smaller shows and in throwaway tags and the like. (Note the stark contrast between WK11 and the following nights NewYears dash)

They have got to shed the dead weight. Ryback as their monster? Fine. But why is Bad Fuck Fale there?

Naito did job clean to Lethal at an ROH show. Thats the only time I can recall them doing that kind of favour. God, that seems like a decade ago. Imagine Naito laying down for Jay Lethal right now? He doesn't even lay down for anyone in New Japan.

I'm fine with them having those matches. I might even argue its necessary. Whether its a faction warfare scenario or a get everyone on the card situation. But giving it a set of belts for what will always come off like a hodge podge of a match does nothing for it.

I'm always at odds with this notion that selling a limb means not using the limb. It's nonsense. Just because you're leg is hurt doesn't mean you're a cripple. Athletes compete with injuries. They plow though. They are tougher than regular folk.

The 6 Man NEVER belts are garbage. And the ROH belt shouldn't be defended on NJPW shows unless one of their guys is challenging for it.

His contract is up this month. But he's obviously going to sign back up given the position he's in. He'll be the winning the big belt during the year. And New Japan are going to lock him down with a multi year deal when he resigns (if he hasn't already)

Tana is Cena with the ability of AJ Styles.

If Cena was half the wrestler Tanahashi is he'd be universally loved in the states too.

Cody isn't bad, but there's not really a lot going on. He's perfectly fine, but nothing to ever get excited about.

Yeah, Okada/Omega went really BIG with everything. Some crazy and dangerous and viscous stuff. (That fucking Super Dragon Suplex was just bonkers)

It is true that Shane is only signed as on air talent.

If yoo-de-zerv-it isn't played out now. It will be the next time I hear it.

Wrestle Kingdom 11 A+

After a series of matches that were bona fide show stealers no less, it still blew the balls off the joint.

Yep. You've got to let them stretch their artistic muscles if you want them to develop their promo skills. Let them find their voice.