
"Like" a veteran? In what way is he not a veteran? He's been wrestling for 15 years.

Fair points all.

They always had great main events though. Even when the overall product sucked. WCW at the time did the opposite.

Rollins being unsafe is garbage. All of his incidents were caused by his opponent doing the wrong thing. 1) Cena is taking a knee to the face but doesn't protect his nose and teeth. Turn your head ya dumb lummox. 2) Sting doesn't tuck his chin. 3) Balor tries to bail out on his elbow. (Which is a bad habit of his

I like the pedigree as a finish. But only if it's done properly. Which Rollins doesnt and neither does H anymore either frankly.

Why would you need to stretch for a different example for her genetic inheritance of no selling? Her father is Ric Flair.

Wait 205 refers to their weight? I thought It was a police code or something like a 187.

Better Neville is the big fish in the little pond than a tadpole in the ocean.

I wouldn't have thought so. It wouldn't be any different than wrestling in the tag division and also working in singles competition.

Is there some kayfabe rule I don't know about that prohibits people who weigh less than 205 from fighting people who don't?

"Sasha Banks v Charlotte Flair. Look, wrestling wise it was sound."

I care about Charlottes PPV steak about as much as I care about the Red Sox win loss record in domed stadiums.

Can you not say accurate things like "Graves just manages to elevate everything" in the same comment that you say horrendous things like "Cole is pretty good" because it really puts the rest of us in a tough spot.

It's possible they didn't expect that bump to be as impressive as it was and didn't plan for it to be a major part of the story.

Or have it tied with Sasha hanging on in the dying seconds in the figure 8 and gutting it out to end the time ala HBK at WM 12.

No, but he does stop in the middle of an extremely tense public stealth assassination when he sees a flag on top of a random plank of wood sticking out from half way up a building and spend the next 22 minutes attempting to get it and the 7 just like it in a row, but not being satisfied with only getting the first

The Assassins association with the hay cart guild is responsible for providing millions of Europeans with full time work.

You're kidding, thats the best example of a bloated double I can think of.

He's much more comfortable as a heel and always has been. At least in so far as portraying a character. A face AJ Styles is just AJ Styles not saying a whole lot.

I think the writers are the only ones still in the dark, but yeah.