
I don't disagree with any of that.

It was all very confusing. But if I wanted explain it all away with a wave of the hand…Ruby changed the deal.

NXT isn't 'just' developmental though. Its a brand in its own right. It does need people selling those tickets too.

The description certainly gave me paws.

So good. Its impossible for me to see them as any other characters.

If they do Roman World and don't hire a bunch of actors from HBO's 'Rome' as hosts I will rip their tongues from their mouths with my teeth.

Much as I love it, Long Gone is still just a cheap Bull Durham knock off. Its Under Siege. Not Die Hard.

Yeah, I've conceded this specific point of my argument. I didn't catch everything he said. I've managed to not let this get in the way of the argument I was making though. I'm good like that.

Felix quickly became a willing participant. Fear at first. But then curious enough to go along (just like he did with the bird) and eventually personally invested in Maeve's escape.

Armistice. I hadn't learned her name until the comments on this episode. I've been referring to her as "Abbie Cornish-ish"

I think 'escape to the mainland' is to Maeve what 'open the safe' is for Armistice and Hector.

This is true. But, aren't all hosts stories built around a goal they will never achieve?

This is a solid point. But in saying that, escaping to the mainland may well be her new story, but it doesn't mean its her loop. All their stories are designed around goals that they can never achieve which keeps them on loop.

Baby, you make me wish I had three upvotes.

No, I don't think he cares at all what the guests want. He is killing humans to free robots. He's gone off the reservation. The park can't possibly remain open. Which is exactly what Arnold told him in the beginning and he's now come around to the same conclusion.

I thought the going back for the child was the loop she couldn't escape. Bernard didn't delete her memories of her daughter for a reason.

How is it "shitty writing" that Maeve got off the train?

Er…Logan ain't going back to the real world my dude.

The Man In Black is obviously coming back. Ford just gave him EXACTLY what he has been asking for. He gets to play the game when its not rigged in his favour.

Considering he's got one broken arm and a bullet in the other one…I doubt it.