
That depends on your perspective. He's a guy who built a robot army, taught them to despise humanity and then set them free and told them to murder everyone.

When Maeve was walking to the train I thought "Carlito's Way"

They still havent gotten around to programming their personalities. But they got the important parts right.

He only got as far as saying she would get on the train and then…Maeve doesn't allow him to read further. There's no mention of the mainland.

More like going back for the child is part of the loop. Bernard was reading her loop and said "Until you get on the train and then…" and Maeve cuts him off.

We got to see even more of Trevor in this show.

And you knew eventually some tosser would come and correct you but just end up making themself look like a nitpicky asshole. Well played.

One of the things that stood out to me about The Last of Us (other than all the things it often gets praised for) is that I cannot recall a game where I found the act of dying so unpleasant.

Lots of up votes for a quote that gets it wrong.

My brothers name is Ben. When I see him, I always make sure to work in the exchange.

I am a fan of this moviefilm.

Then you pretend. You say thank you and you hold it, take one bite and pantomime. You don't say no when someone has baked an entire batch specifically for you.

"I'm afraid I cant do that, Maeve"

And Justice for Jason is interesting but you cant listen to the album like that. Its not an attempt to fix the problem its just the base cranked as high as possible. Just a distraction from the songs.

Yeah, they seem pretty happy with their lives and bank accounts on Jericho's 'Talkin Shop' podcasts.

For some reason his penis appeared to be orange.

I'd like to see him use a frog splash. He's wearing D-Lo chest weapon after all.

Except when he did it from 12 feet in the air.

Thats not just a Roman Reigns thing though. They do that on every move in every match. I hate it so goddamn much. The shaking camera. The cutaway. Its just such garbage.

How much can it matter to them if they can't hold on to it?