
Hey fuck you Teddy. Just say thanks and eat your fucking muffin. Who says no to muffins? Some passive aggressive shit from him there.

He didn't 'accept it' though did he? He did it. What, was he going to say no? He resented it. Deeply. Rather than accepting it he Instead selfishly took his resentment out on other people in his life. Most directly he intentionally needled Daniel with passive aggression to the point of pushing him over the edge. That

I like Doom metal just fine. And I wouldn't classify the song that way anyway.

Manunkind has the honor of being Hetfields worst track title. I thought All Nightmare Long was bad. But at least that track rocked. This one is the worst song on the record.

Even one as good as that. I just checked…its an incredible 13 song album on my ipod.

Agreed. There's some good stuff throughout. But you're hearing an album of demos so apart from Sweet Amber and Unnamed Feeling (which I think are fully formed) all the songs need work. And my god they're all way too long for what they are.

It made perfect sense that they'd pick that one. It stood out amongst all the sea of garbaged hosts in storage. They were all grey and grotty and it was shinny and new. First one they walked past that didnt look like shit. "This one will do"

Survivor Series should always have the traditional match though. But not every match on the entire show. They are almost universally shit and make everyone not the survivor look weak unless they give it time to be an epic like they did in the main event.

I didn't like that either and I was hoping Graves would mention it because he's normally on point with that kind of stuff.

We also saw two spots where the stopped counts because he saw a foot on the ropes and the pulling of tights.

Goldberg enters the Rumble Match. Runs riot. Brock outta nowhere comes out and annihilates him. A 'focused' Brock v Goldberg at Mania.
Brock goes over. Thats the only way this pays off.

Brock can really sell when he wants to.

Even if they don't reference their pre-WWE past (which honestly, WWE are doing these days more than ever before). Its still, you know, a match between AJ fuckin Styles and Shinsuke fuckin Nakamura and will blow the tits off anything else they put on the card.

If you want him to go over, this is the only way to do it. Squashes are the only matches he looks good in. Because he kinda sucks. Unless of course he's spent the last 12 years learning the craft, which is unlikely as he spent a decade IN the business refusing to learn the craft.

Starting with Wrestle Kingdom I assume? Because frankly I think this tag league is the shits.

You can get English commentary on a lot of their big shows. NJPW on AXS has Jim Ross! And is great as a gateway.

"Mauro Ranallo and Corey Graves are the best announcing duo in professional wrestling, full stop."

This was discussed a bit last episode.

I was waiting for someone to point that out. With all the confusion of timelines and the like. The show just commented directly on it in this episode. Maeve is told that Host's 'memories' aren't like ours. They live them all out in their mind as if its happening.

There's never been a double album that wouldn't be a better single album.