
You're name dropping all my highlights from those maligned records. Only missing 'Sweet Amber' which I think was the forgotten gem from St. Anger.

She almost said it like a question herself. I don't think she knows.

I still find Teddy deeply unlikable, but they have humanized him effectively.

Everyone who has ever commented on its profitability. It's run at a loss. But yeah, its developmental, so it is an investment.

Everything on the main roster we've seen before, in NXT, and seen it done better.

NXT is not profitable.

I'd rather they looked forward rather than backwards.

They love the gimmick, not the guy. He needs to develop a character outside of it.

"Nakamura has a bad habit of forgetting to sell limb damage late in matches and it was beyond frustrating sometimes( its literally his only flaw)."

Justin Lin only directed the first 2 episodes. They used a number of different directors throughout the season as they had an extremely tight schedule for what they were trying to do.

Was it just before? Bernard hung up on her and apparently left Theresa immediately while Elsie had more work to do. We don't really know how long she was working away before someone showed up and grabbed her.

Nice catch. She "dreamed" that Canyon. All of a sudden.

It's that he's still trying so hard to act cool while failing abysmally. He looks like a baby drinking out of a non sippy cup for the first time.

'Under Seige' being the best of the "Die Hard on a [blank]" knockoff movies the article touches on.

Its that pathetic little drink of his coke when he realizes he's fucked that absolutely slays me everytime.

Why else would both Arnie and Sly always automatically greased up and ready any time their shirts came off if not for a potential airduct adventure?

"the robots already bleed, as witnessed by the dinner table stabbing. In my mind, this rules out William as the MiB because he says that he disassembled an early model and they were not flesh and bone, we see the same in Ford's flashback."

Actually I think HBO has absolutely got reluctant about its depiction of rape. In GOT as the obvious example they went from gratuitous to almost entirely suggestive. We see as much actual rape in the M.I.B scene as we did with Sansa's wedding night for instance. So the lack of vivid on screen depiction of the act isnt

It's disliking it so much you had to do something about it. For instance I acosted a random passerby, bit off their schnoz and stood on the appendage while making a terrible pun. It's a thing.

It could keep running without him. They quickly repurposed another father for Dolores' loop like it was routine. No reason they couldn't do it again for that story until M.I.B was done with him.