
Goldberg was the 90s Ultimate Warrior.

There hasn't been a connection made in the show between the fact that Westworld is hemorrhaging money and it being a result of the founder dying has there? There are plenty of other reasons why the park could be in financial trouble. Thats a pretty wild assumption on your part. Whether this theory turns out to be true

I actively disliked the line. I don't like to use the term "on the nose" but I found it…something that means the same thing.

His eye blinks being slightly out of sync was the best little detail.

Yep. "Lets team up with it!" is a great way to kill the movie monsters mystique.

He's a dirty foreigner though. That is enough for most Americans.

H's best Cell match was against Foley, so…

Sasha, Can you top it?

"Three Main Events at Hell in a Cell, AKA: No Main Event"

He's a Kardashian?

If they hadn't recast that role, the movie would be an embarrassing footnote.

Its just overshadowed is all. Its great, but Arnie can (and did) do better.

Brosnan is clearly the most underrated. In that he was terrific, but besides Goldeneye, all his movies are the drizzling shits.

There was a fight between Arnie and The Body. It was the climax of the Runningman episode within the movie, remember?

Its all made with the game engine. So they're not 'cut-scenes' in the old sense. But thats not really how the game will look while you're playing, mostly.

Correct. I hope its the first Cell match of the night. I'd rather they steal the show than close the show.

He does get some heat from Smarks. But they haven't put him in with anyone that he or the audience sees as a credible threat. So his matches are just glorified squashes. Which are never going to get you truly invested.

They can bump her ass back to the minors after her cup of coffee. She can get traded, released. On the flip side she could excel, play in an all star game, make the playoffs. Even successful careers can be tumultuous. And thats only if the shows primary focus is actual baseball. Its probably just backdrop to soap

A knuckleballer won the Cy Young in the last decade. Its not like it's some defunct old timey delivery.

It's the kind of thing that almost certainly came up immediately during those apparent consultations on authenticity. Which means the show doesn't actually give half of a shit about that.