
In an insane world. It was the sanest choice.

Hmm. Not sure. We're told it can only be an object of equal size, but that fat security guard it mimics at the coffee machine in the nut house is clearly larger than Robert Patrick. They play pretty fast and lose with its changing size from what I can see.

The future is not set.

But if his first scene is stealing Robert Patricks identity as it were he wouldn't lose screen time. But then what would it come through time looking like? Fine I've talked myself out of thinking this a good idea.

Only until the inevitable reevaluation of Goldeneyes superiority

Yeah, thats pretty egregious because the movies begining is all built around the reveal of Arnie being the protector. The advertising basically ruines the first act

Agreed. I do wonder why they didnt have "robert patrick cop" be the first thing it kills and apes after it comes through time rather than show up looking like Robert Patrick already.

"I didn't build the fucking thing!"

AVP- "whoever wins, we lose"

I'm a fan of Reece coming through time. Just a naked man plummetting from the top of the frame right onto his hip on the concrete. Its a tiny moment. But brutal.

It looks like anything it wants. It could look like Arnie if it wanted.

Its the same movie like Alien/Aliens are the same movie. Hardly.

It can't be bargained with.
It cant be reasoned with.
It doesn't feel remorse or pity or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop. UNTILL YOU ARE DEAD.

I know it. Its on Pico

"That coffee is 2 hours cold."

I love how he has to interupt Henrickson's character all the time in order to get him to not tell a terrified victim about his favorite PCP related story.

One possible future? I don't know tech stuff

There are so many great little moments in the film. Its such an efficient script. The two burnt out piece of shit cops not to mention Dr Silberman. Those characters are all hilarious and are barely in the movie. Like the future segments, you're left thinking you could base a whole movie out of that stuff.

Its just the dumbest shit ever. Best moment of the film.

I love the exposition in this film. Reece delivering those info dumps are riviting. Interspersed within a chase scene. All very succinct.