
The stop motion is the most shittily dated moment in the film. As far as effects go. Worse than the weird Arnie head model. Its bad, but easy to forgive.

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I was speaking more to the idea of you killing yourself.

Their word against his though. His version of events is going to be far more believable and their version too ridiculous to be true.

So at least there's a silver lining for when it gets cancelled.

I got tired of this fucking video.

Obviously the women playing her is about 78 orders of magnitude more physically attractive than Danny McBride. But they have effectively established Snodgrass as deeply insecure and pretty desperate given how she let that other tosser treat her. (Yeah, I haven't learned anyones names)

You can put a little of it on Cena. If a guy is throwing a knee lift, don't take it direct in the face. Turn your head slightly. Protect your nose and teeth. Cena is just a lunk of meat who doesn't react well.

In a show about a P.I that doesn't have enough story to fill its allotted episodes? You bet your ass a case of the week episode has a place.

The only real c-word that's not allowed is Can't

I'll always lean towards old Rog. I'd seen him in the role multiple times before I ever saw Connery. He was my first Bond. When I saw Never Say Never the first time I thought it was outrageous that this old asshole thought he could be Bond. How dare they recast such an iconic role!

It was either pretty good or just gloriously shithouse. It was never not fun.

And a whore.

Don't exaggerate. The stunt women was 35 max.

So…you like it?

You could of course use all those reasons to argue Lee is better. Its just a matter of taste really.

Hey, don't give me a hard time. I'm trying to help you make up your mind. It's bonkers Bond. It may not be "butt yourself in the face with a sledgehammer 4 times before you watch star wars" bonkers like Moonraker. But it is still pretty damn bonkers.

You know what would be gritty and badass plot for Bond to foil?

Its called 'Octopussy' and you can't tell if its wants to be serious or not?

Even if this movie bombs, they are going to do great business with selling posters.