
"Don't make me regret the day I raped your mother" are not really the words of a man concerned about upsetting his son.

By the time the Cleganebowl rolls around they might just hug it out.

You may be right in saying that is how the show depicted it. I can't remember these scenes specifically. I am of the impression that he wanted to take her with him, simply because she would be safer at Castle Black rather than on campaign. Just in general terms. Safer from their enemies, not safer from being

I'm reading your comment as saying that Davos was aware of what Stannis planned to do and was therefore sent away. I'm saying Davos didnt know and Stannis sent him away to stop him finding out.

Stannis sent Davos away because Stannis knew what he was going to do and that Davos would never allow it to happen.

Tyrion tamed those dragons like a pedophile trying abduct a couple kids out the front of school before their mom picks them up.

I'll bet HBO was pumped to hear things were going to get Horny in the iron islands this season.

We might see someone try to hatch it. Which probably won't go well (see Summerhall)

When Euron is around, things get interesting, but the Ironborn in general are definitely the least interesting people, with the least interesting society.

Its not like its happening in a vacuum.

Having a dragon egg doesn't really equel having a dragon though. Baring a one of a kind magical occurrence. Dragons eggs are essentially expensive paper weights

Thats just another reason I love it. It has all the makings of a standard quest narrative, but is undercut and deconstructed the entire way.
The young Prince is to travel halfway around the world facing hardship the entire way to ultimately woo the most beautiful woman in the world and combine their two houses and

I agree with you on the first part. But it was not the inability to accept the Wildings that led to Jon's assassination in the books. It wasn't a popular policy among the Watch to say the least, but it wasn't grounds for a coup.

The case against Jon (speaking specifically about the books here) is the very definition of impeachable. He has continuously broken his vows and forgone his duty in increasingly escalating and treasonous ways leading up to his assassination. By the time they pull the trigger he's publicly admitting to interfering in

I dunno. I love the splattering of brains as much as the next psychopath. But an Assassin's Creed style silent assassination doesn't seem like it would be the modus operandi of an eight foot tall zombie.

Aw, man. The more people talk shit the more I love Quentyn. That naive, pathetic little failure boy. I'd hug him if the physical contact wouldn't slough all the tender slow cooked meat from his bones.

She's living there rent free.

Yep. Ramsey can play all the sick games he wants. The only issue is if they interfere with Roose's political ambitious.

"Roose—who had always been somewhat blinded toward his bastard son’s true nature"

Thats terrible enough to garner an upvote.