
Book Roose just assumes that Ramsey won't allow any of his true born children to live to adulthood.

Its Roose's own theory in the books. Its not a fan theory.

People suspect Euron of being responsible in the books. His ship sails into the Iron Islands after years away the very day after Balon's death. He may not have killed him himself, but its not a stretch to suggest Euron was responsible. I think its safe to assume he was even without the prophetic allusions provided.

Reek wasn't a servant of Roose's legitimate son. He was a servant of Ramsey's mother. She asked Roose for a servant and he gave her one with a severe body odor problem as a joke. Because Roose is a dick. Ramsey formed a sick bond with this Reek as a result. Ramsey then used Reek to avoid being killed by Ser Rodrick's

If he'd joined up with a group to assassinate Tormund, you couldn't blame him.

Euron to win the Kingsmoot. Theon and Yarasha to team up and bring him down.

So what you're saying is…Game of Thrones, needs more Cocksuckers.

Balon : "Euron!"

Its Euron. "I am the Storm. The first storm and the last" direct quote from Euron in the book. Victarion is the POV in the books, while Euron is kept mysterious. But Euron is the more impactful character. Essentially they are condensing the two characters into one here. Euron in character, but will take up any

I had thought they would incorporate a connected wolf dream between Bran/Jon/Summer/Ghost.

She gets burned multiple times in the books. Apart from the one magical miracle, there's no suggestion she is immune to fire.

All the more confusing that YaraAsha reaction is to kill the "person that did this to him" What does she mean, the boob who built the bridge? Because It seems absurd that anyone wouldn't just assume he fell in the storm.

My issue is that, apparently Dragons aren't dangerous. Just big puppy dogs really.

They're not critics, they're comedians. Its just that their material is all film related. Do you get this defensive about airline peanuts too?

You were feeling optimistic for Martha prior to this podcast? You were feeling optimistic for Martha…ever?

The second she threatened Gabriel she effectively signed her death warrant.

Tatiana also asked Arkady pointedly "Do we have her?" and he affirms.

Yeah, the 'sample' is the bio weapon, not Martha.
When dictating her message, Tatiana is asked "anything else?" as in, any info in the message about Martha. The answer "No" meaning Tatiana is making no plans to transport Martha to Russia.

It think it was just the stilted nature of recording lines for a game. He was fine in all the actual scripted scenes IMO. But occasionally you'd get a line reading of him in sandbox situations where the line readings were Indiana "Part Time" Jones-like.

I believe the standard timeline is if you try reefer for the very first time in September, you're doing horse by June.