
After this story the character just ends up spinning her wheels.

Colin Farrell's character in season 2 of True Detective faced the same dilemma. I believe he handled it about as well as can be expected.

HEMA demonstrations are goofy because its two people trying to clang their swords together as opposed to being two people trying to hack each other to death.

Lots of interesting possibilities about just what she is, definitely. I think I'd prefer it if it was left ambiguous.

Pretty impressive penmanship for a guy who recently lost his writing hand too.

I don't deny they are in a precarious position. Maybe Tormund and his wildlings will have them all killed. But I don't think they believed they had a choice. I'm sure if they felt they had more time they would have waited for a more opportune time that would have given them a better chance to escape with their lives.

Yeah, his "What are these Wildlings if not men?" stuff really should've been something he was trumpeting to the crowded shieldhall on the regular, rather than just at two guys alone on top of the Wall that one time.

The Watch survived Mormont. Once some semblance of order is reestablished they elect someone new. Killing Jon kills the Watch only in the sense that the timing of it will render them incapable of manning an effective defense of the wall against the Others. These aren't a great set of choices they've been left with.

The downside of taking out the Boltens is that even if you're successful, its not like its going to be a secret. Word gets to the crown that the Watch marched on Winterfell and The Watch is now in open rebellion against the Crown. The Watch as an institution is done at that point. However, with Jon dead there would

I think you're giving Jon a lot of credit he doesn't deserve. Why did the Bolten's pose a threat to the Watch in the first place? Because Jon already broke his vows. Now he's doing it again to clean up his own personal mess. This time he's marching an army of Wildlings against the Lord of Winterfell.

I don't agree with the criticisms leveled at it either, nor or at the Iron Island plot. I understand they are story bloat and people hate them because they just do not consider any of the new characters or settings to be main characters or part of the main story. But the stories themselves are great. Arianne and

I'm referring to Ellaria wacking Doran, not the Sand Snakes offing of Trystane.

Really thought we were going to get the 'Viper and the Grass' speech as that scene progressed. Nope, just kill him. Call him a bitch. Peace out.

How do you figure? Hating Wildlings is their entire job. The Watch's mission is protect the realm…from Wildlings and has been for a thousand years. A commander coming in and saying hey guys, you're all wrong about our entire reason for existing would be a tough pill to swallow.

In the books, their hatred of the wildings just made them pissed off. Its not why they assassinated him. It made Jon unpopular. It didn't get him killed.

It certainly wasn't the infidelity, financial ruin and transformative degradation of my physique, I can tell you that!

Largely because it went so wrong. Its a strange kind of hero who after being bounced off a wall upside down and dropping vertically down on the back of your neck and bonce on the concrete with a sickening thud and reacts with "Gee, Kurt, Better try that one again."

I wouldn't say that Chuck was "right" so much as Chucks point of view is more understandable than a lot of people are giving him credit for. Jimmy was proven time and time again over the course of his life that he's, in a lot of ways, a piece of shit. How many times over their lives has Jimmy shamed, embarrassed, lied

I don't think so, no.

Haha. I don't think it was to be quite as jarring as that. They condensed history and did some time jumps and moved the show away from Rome itself during the two seasons they had, so it wouldn't be entirely without precedent.