
Lay off you fucking nerd. Its true. Would i lie to you?

I have no interest in being fair. The loss of that show ruined my marriage. They can go to hell.

Its still the TV cancellation that leaves the biggest hole next to my copious cockles.

HBO's Rome, had it not been cancelled originally planned to have a season set in Roman occupied Judea with a plot point revolving around the rise of certain prophet. I imagine it would've been something like this looks…only with a shit load of tits and people biting off each others tongues and what not obviously.

Certainly can't argue with any of that.


I agree. Peggy wouldn't be shown to be that wrong about someone.

I think also that part of the confusing nature of the stat is that "an average American" can be interpreted as "An everyday American"

Both Wilkes and Sousa have important supporting roles in the main plot regardless of the love triangle, so I don't know how that isn't blending into the plot.

Their firepower is no match for her glower power.

Absolutely. But it helps that these particular men's attraction to Peggy began with their realization of her awesomeness and then progressed to her…um…aesthetic qualities, doesn't it?

By god yes. I hope it gets cancelled and none of these foul humans ever sully my screen henceforth. Its the only acceptable outcome, surely.

You can mean offense if you like. Call me an idiot and say that my reading comprehension skills would be embarrassing for a fourth grader. I don't mind. We're shooting the shit on a tv show. I'm not going to get emotional.

I shall take that as the compliment that I'm sure it was intended. Thank you! Yours is a kind and generous heart.

So Wilkes gets in the magic science contraption and his hand hits the floor and…OMG, you are yourself again! You can make contact with the floor!

Honestly, Peggy's plans are always utterly stupid and reckless and bound to fail. Its a miracle the team doesn't all end up dead every single week.

She's not "flip-flopping"

I don't think its a weakness that the show introduces a love quadrangle for Peggy. If the show spent its entire run suggesting that men and women alike aren't falling in love with Peggy Carter on a daily basis, it would be dishonest.

Yep. He had more personality when he was invisible.

It appears this is the consensus, but I couldn't disagree more. While the character is fine, her performance isn't doing it for me at all. Its a really tricky and delicate balancing act when you have a scene with a character that is supposed to be acting, as in, hiding their emotions from the people in the scene, but