
Allow me to tip my fedora to you for a sick burn, Milady.

Well, considering that what she was throwing consisted of awful pitty patter left jabs and then telegraphed haymaker rights, any person that can actually fight would probably conclude she was an amateur hack.

Does the earler take of "When the Night Comes falling" sound like the version Jeff Healey recorded for the Roadhouse soundtrack? Because thats way cooler than Dylan's version.

Whatever will be next? Gangster rappers with disreputable themes? Well, I never.

I wonder how you would feel about an atheist reviewing an album and taking note off all the ways it apparently succeeds on a technical, musical and artistic level and then completely writing it all off as D grade crap simply because all the lyrics were pro faith jesus garbage.

I don't really understand your argument. Thack operating on himself was obviously ridiculous. The show presented it that way. Everyone objected as vehemently as they could. And he f'n died doing it.

I would suggest those people are shitty simply because you rejected them, not because they are of the belief that you are an out of order parking meter which took their coins but didn't give them any time.

I thought the show missed a trick here by not giving Kilgrave a plausible perspective on his "I didn't rape you Jessica" argument.

There was a shot of Boyd putting on rubber gloves was there not? Though, now that I think of it, that was while he was spraying the lock boxes, not during the robbery itself.