There's a Maserati dealership on the edge of Canal Street. I'm seeing quite a few exotic cars parked in Chinatown. These cars looked like it's their daily driver, not for show.
There's a Maserati dealership on the edge of Canal Street. I'm seeing quite a few exotic cars parked in Chinatown. These cars looked like it's their daily driver, not for show.
He's just working his way up to Junior Tennis. This must be like the minor leagues for them.
Schilling doesn't know what he's talking about. The crease between my nose and cheek smells like cottage cheese. Obviously I evolved from cows.
Lemme guess regarding the collective bargaining ruling, it affects all Unions except for the Police Unions because he needs them to stomp on the necks of the other Unions to keep them in line.
I do the same thing. I use my real first name and phonetic spelling of my last name. I didn't know Facebook requires you to use your real name. I just know the less my real name is out their, the less the collection agencies can track my every move. They found me but I'm not giving them more ammo.
It didn't occur to me that Billy Crystal and Giuliani are douche Yankee fans jerking Jeter off one more time. I thought it was 9/11 related on how many people jerked off and drank Giuliani's jizz. Crystal being one of them.
Holy shit, this brought a lot of stuff back. Like when physical abuse is no longer used, it's mental abuse. I would never have a good night's sleep because my old man would just yell and pound on anything to claim what a worthless piece of shit I am.
Sometimes the sight of a switch or in my case a bamboo feather duster would keep a kid in his place until the kid is too big to whoop. But I see that's different in Raj's family.
Of course he beat his other kid. You can't show any favoritism. Daddy loves all of you the same.
What's the cost of upkeep for these vehicles? So rather than spend money on education, they're spending it on these expensive toys. What's the mpg, .5 mile to the gal? Is the janitor going to maintain it?
Obsessive in almost a drug addict junkie type way.
So who's the scumbag in this exchange? I'm leaning towards Mr. Tough Guy.
It's all who you know. I'm glad HJTEP gets help from the USTA, it's a very good program. How about doing a story on McEnroe's tennis academy in Randalls Island and what sweet deals they got?
I'm beginning to think cops can't Multi-task.
Unfuckinbelieveable. Restraint? Restraint?
Deadspin's always been cool. From peoples' tribute and memories of Tony Gwynn to hockey hitmen.
In the same vein, I feel that way about the entire fertility treatment industry.
OK, now that's not in their NYC ad campaign.
Like a AirBNB for sex. People are vetted and referred. Though you may have an occasional squatter.
I bet the killer was one of those ham radio prepper survivalists, too.